7 Tips for Implementing a Robotic Welding Cell

7 Tips for Implementing a Robotic Welding Cell

Implementing robotic welding can significantly improve a manufacturing operation’s productivity and weld quality, but what are the robotic welding basics you should know to be successful? From choosing the right welding wire to establishing proper tool center point (TCP), many variables play a role in optimizing robotic welding cells to produce the best results.

Shaving even a few seconds from each weld cycle can save time and money. Minimizing the unplanned downtime for adjustments or repairs in the weld cell can also have a substantial impact on your bottom line.

Success with robotic welding requires a well-researched plan. The more planning done upfront, the less time and money you could spend later making fixes and process improvements.

Learning some basic tips for setting up a robotic weld cell can help to establish a repeatable and consistent process — so your operation can produce quality welds, reduce rework and maximize its investment.

Weld operator with teach pendant and robotic MIG welding gun
From choosing the right welding wire to establishing proper tool center point, many variables play a role in optimizing robotic welding cells to produce the best results. Understanding some basic tips for implementing robotic welding can help yield success. 

Tip No. 1: Use proper weld settings

Proper weld settings for the application are based on factors including wire size and material thickness. Some welding power sources offer technology that allows welders to simply input the wire size and material thickness, and the machine will suggest recommended parameters for the application.

Without this technology, finding the correct parameters can involve a bit of trial and error. Sometimes the robot manufacturer, welding power source manufacturer or system integrator can assist in choosing and testing specific materials to provide a starting point for the proper welding parameters. Utilize the experience of these partners to help you arrive at the best starting point and be prepared for the future.

Tip No. 2: Choose the right wire

The choice of filler metal for a robotic welding system can significantly impact productivity, weld quality and the overall investment. Selecting the right wire for a robotic application is typically based on the material type and thickness, as well as the expected outcomes for the welded part. Welding equipment and filler metal manufacturers often offer charts to help you match a welding wire to your process needs.  

While solid wire has been the industry standard in robotic welding for many years, metal-cored wire is an alternative that can offer productivity and quality improvements in some applications, particularly in the manufacture of heavy equipment and automotive exhaust, chassis and wheels. However, be aware that each wire type offers pros and cons for certain applications, so it’s important to research the type that is best suited to your application.

Image of MIG welding gun consumables including contact tips, nozzles and diffusers
Welding consumables, including the nozzle, contact tip and gas diffuser, have a huge impact on performance in the robotic weld cell. Consider using heavy-duty consumables that are more heat-resistant than standard-duty consumables.

Tip No. 3: Consider the gun and consumables

Robotic welding guns and consumables, including the nozzle, contact tip and gas diffuser, have a huge impact on performance in a robotic weld cell. The right combination can reduce unplanned downtime and improve overall efficiency of the cell.

Be sure the welding gun is rated with enough duty cycle and amperage for the application. To avoid excessive wear and premature failure, the gun should not rub against any part of the system or another robot in applications where multiple robots are being used on the same tooling.

Robotic welding systems typically operate at higher duty cycles than semi-automatic welding applications, and they may utilize transfer modes that are especially harsh on consumables. Consider using heavy-duty consumables that are more heat-resistant than standard-duty consumables. Chrome zirconium contact tips or tips specifically designed for pulsed welding processes are good options.

In addition, ensure all consumables are properly installed and tightened. Improper or loose connections produce more electrical resistance and heat that causes faster consumable wear with premature failures. Another common failure in robotic welding is improper liner installation. Always follow the manufacturer’s directions for liner installation and cut length. A liner that is cut too short can cause premature failures of other consumables in the system.

Tip No. 4: Reduce cable wear

Make sure there is good cable grounding in the weld cell to help prevent potential problems as the cell ages. There are two cables running from the welding power source; one is attached to the wire feeder and the other is grounded to the tooling. Often, these cables are long and run from the shop floor to an elevated platform or through wire trays. The section of cable running up the robot or running to a positioner will constantly move — causing greater wear over time.

Using a junction with high-flex ground cable at the base of the robot or the workpiece can save time and money in downtime and repair. With this solution, there is only a 6-foot section of cable to replace when it wears out, rather than replacing possibly 50 feet or more of ground cable that runs all the way back to the power source. However, keep in mind you should have as few breaks or junctions in the grounding cable as possible to maintain a better electrical connection.

Image of Tregaskiss TOUGH GUN CA3 robotic MIG gun with 45 degree neck
Be sure the welding gun is rated with enough duty cycle and amperage for the application. To avoid excessive wear and premature failure, the gun should not rub against any part of the system.

When mounting a ground cable to the welding workpiece, it can be helpful to use copper anti-seize lubricant, sometimes referred to as copper slop. This supports the transfer of electrical current and helps prevent the mounting point from fusing together or deteriorating over time. The lubricant can be useful in all areas where there may be grounding current running through pins or any other semi-permanent contact points.

Proper cable management for the guns can also greatly extend cable life. The more any cable bends and flexes, the more wear and tear will occur — ultimately shortening cable life due to high heat and resistance. Work to minimize cable bending and flexing in your robotic process and tooling design.

Tip No. 5: Establish TCP

For repeatable and consistent weld quality, it’s critical to establish and maintain proper TCP. Welding operations can set their own standards for the acceptable amount of TCP drift, depending on the application and type of weld being made. When considering the tolerance of TCP variation, an acceptable starting point can be half the thickness of the wire diameter.

Many robotic systems today can use touch-sensing features to monitor TCP and determine how far it has moved from the original programmed settings. If a gun is determined to be out of the acceptable TCP range, the gun neck can be removed and recalibrated offline to factory specifications with a neck straightening fixture. Some systems also provide the capability to adjust TCP automatically with the robot. A third option is to leave the gun in place and adjust the robot teaching to accommodate the modified TCP. This is the most time-consuming solution and, therefore, often not acceptable for the manufacturing operation. It also requires the need to reprogram the robot if new factory specifications for TCP or a new neck are ever put into place — which is why this method is typically the last resort.

Set a schedule or standard for checking TCP, whether it’s every weld cycle, once a shift or even every time the torch goes through a reamer cycle. The length of time between checks is a matter of preference and weighing your priorities. It can be time-consuming to check every weld cycle, but this can save money in lost scrap and rework if a problem is found before welding occurs.

Image of Hobart FabCOR Edge filler metal on box
The choice of filler metal for a robotic welding system can significantly impact productivity, weld quality and the overall investment. Selecting the right wire for a robotic application is typically based on the material type and thickness, as well as the expected outcomes for the welded part.

Tip No. 6: Program the robot path  

The initial programming of the robot’s welding path can also involve much trial and error. When programming the path, consider the application, material type, welding process being used and gap size that must be filled. The weld quality and amount of spatter created are also impacted by the travel angle and whether it’s a pull or push weld. It can take time to dial in the correct path to achieve the desired quality.

After setting the home positions in the robotic program, it’s recommended to have the robot move to perch points or ready-to-enter points that are safely away from any potential collision points, so the system can move quickly with air cut moves to and from these points.

When programming the robot to move to a weld, it’s common to set the approach point just above the weld start location. Have the robot approach the start location at a slower and safer speed with the arc on. This approach position provides a good lead-in and typically won’t require adjustment unless the weld is relocated. Some robotic welding systems include technology that aids in setting the initial robot path.  

The robot’s welding location can play a role in premature failure of the gun. If the robot is welding with a lot of flex in the gun at a tight angle, this can cause it to fail much faster. Minimizing robot axes five and six during welding can help extend gun life by reducing wear.

Tip No. 7: Ensure proper fit-up

Proper part fit-up in the upstream process is critical to consistent weld quality and robot path programming. Inconsistent fit-up or large gaps between the parts lead to weld quality issues such as burn-through, poor penetration, porosity and others — resulting in additional unplanned downtime to deal with these problems. Large gaps between the parts may also require double weld passes, adding to cycle times.


From wire and consumable selection to proper cable management and TCP, many variables play a role in weld quality and ultimately, the success of your robotic welding system. Careful planning at the start of the process and continued monitoring of these key factors helps optimize performance — so you can get the most from your robotic welding investment.

    MIG Welding FAQs Answered

    MIG Welding FAQs Answered

    MIG welding, like any other process, takes practice to refine your skills. For those newer to it, building some basic knowledge can take your MIG welding operation to the next level. Or if you’ve been welding for a while, it never hurts to have a refresher. Consider these frequently asked questions, along with their answers, as welding tips to guide you.

    1. What drive roll should I use, and how do I set the tension?

    The welding wire size and type determines the drive roll to obtain smooth, consistent wire feeding. There are three common choices: V-knurled, U-groove and V-groove.
    Pair gas- or self-shielded wires with V-knurled drive rolls. These welding wires are soft due to their tubular design; the teeth on the drive rolls grab the wire and pushes it through the feeder drive. Use U-groove drive rolls for feeding aluminum welding wire. The shape of these drive rolls prevents marring of this soft wire. V-groove drive rolls are the best choice for solid wire.

    To set the drive roll tension, first release the drive rolls. Slowly increase the tension while feeding the wire into your gloved hand. Continue until the tension is one half-turn past wire slippage. During the process, keep the gun as straight as possible to avoid kinking the cable, which could lead to poor wire feeding.

    MIG Welding
    Following some key best practices related to welding wire, drive rolls and shielding gas can help ensure good results in the MIG welding process.

    2. How do I get the best results from my MIG welding wire?

    MIG welding wires vary in their characteristics and welding parameters. Always check the wire’s spec or data sheet to determine what amperage, voltage and wire feed speed the filler metal manufacturer recommends. Spec sheets are typically shipped with the welding wire, or you can download them from the filler metal manufacturer’s website. These sheets also provide shielding gas requirements, as well as contact-to-work distance (CTWD) and welding wire extension or stickout recommendations.
    Stickout is especially important to gaining optimal results. Too long of a stickout creates a colder weld, drops the amperage and reduces joint penetration. A shorter stickout usually provides a more stable arc and better low-voltage penetration. As a rule of thumb, the best stickout length is the shortest one allowed for the application.
    Proper welding wire storage and handling is also critical to good MIG welding results. Keep the spool in a dry area, as moisture can damage the wire and potentially lead to hydrogen-induced cracking. Use gloves when handling the wire to protect it from moisture or dirt from your hands. If the wire is on the wire feeder, but not in use, cover the spool or remove it and place it in a clean plastic bag.

    3. What contact recess should I use?

    Contact tip recess, or the position of the contact tip within the MIG welding nozzle, depends on the welding mode, welding wire, application and shielding gas you are using. Generally, as the current increases, the contact tip recess should also increase. Here are some recommendations.
    A 1/8- or 1/4-inch recess works well for welding at greater than 200 amps in spray or high-current pulse welding, when using a metal-cored wire and argon-rich shielding gases. You can use a wire stickout of 1/2 to 3/4 inches in these scenarios.
    Keep your contact tip flush with the nozzle when welding less than 200 amps in short circuit or low-current pulse modes. A 1/4- to 1/2-inch wire stickout is recommended. At 1/4-inch stick out in short circuit, specifically, allows you to weld on thinner materials with less risk of burn-through or warping.
    When welding hard-to-reach joints and at less than 200 amps, you can extend the contact tip 1/8 inch from the nozzle and use a 1/4-inch stickout. This configuration allows greater access to difficult-to-access joints, and works well for short circuit or low-current pulse modes.
    Remember, proper recess is key to reducing the opportunity for porosity, insufficient penetration and burn-through and to minimizing spatter.
    Closeup of recessed contact tip inside cutaway of nozzle
    The ideal contact tip recess position varies according to the application. A general rule: As the current increases, the recess should also increase.

    4. What shielding gas is best for my MIG welding wire?

    The shielding gas you choose depends on the wire and the application. CO2 provides good penetration when welding thicker materials, and you can use it on thinner materials since it tends to run cooler, which decreases the risk of burn-through. For even more weld penetration and high productivity, use a 75 percent argon/25 percent CO2 gas mix. This combination also produces less spatter than CO2 so there is less post-weld cleanup.
    Use 100 percent CO2 shielding gas or a 75 percent CO2/25 percent argon mix in combination with a carbon steel solid wire. Aluminum welding wire requires argon shielding gas, while stainless steel wire works best with a tri-mix of helium, argon and CO2. Always reference the wire’s spec sheet for recommendations.

    5. What is the best way to control my weld puddle?

    For all positions, it is best to keep the welding wire directed toward the leading edge of the weld puddle. If you are welding out of position (vertical, horizontal or overhead), keeping the weld puddle small provides the best control. Also use the smallest wire diameter that will still fill the weld joint sufficiently.
    You can gauge heat input and travel speed by the weld bead produced and adjust accordingly to gain better control and better results. For example, if you produce a weld bead that is too tall and skinny, it indicates that the heat input is too low and/or your travel speed is too fast. A flat, wide bead suggests too high of heat input and/or too slow of travel speeds. Adjust your parameters and technique accordingly to achieve the ideal weld, which has a slight crown that just touches the metal around it.
    These answers to frequently asked questions only touch on a few of the best practices for MIG welding. Always follow your welding procedures to gain optimal results. Also, many welding equipment and wire manufacturers have technical support numbers to contact with questions. They can serve as an excellent resource for you.

      Self-Shielded Flux-Cored Welding: Choosing Your Gun

      Self-Shielded Flux-Cored Welding: Choosing Your Gun

      For structural applications, some contractors have made the switch from stick welding to self-shielded flux-cored welding to increase productivity and give themselves a competitive edge.

      Self-shielded flux-cored welding offers much greater travel speeds and deposition rates compared to stick welding, while also eliminating the frequent stopping and starting required to change out stick electrodes.

      For contractors considering this conversion, there are some key factors to keep in mind to help choose the right self-shielded flux-cored welding gun for the job — and to use and maintain it properly. Gun options such as heat shields, configurable necks and adjustable cable lengths can help improve weld quality, efficiency and operator comfort in self-shielded flux-cored applications. 

      Considering self-shielded flux-cored welding

      Self-shielded flux-cored welding is becoming more common on jobsites for several reasons. In addition to the greater productivity and deposition rates of the process, it also doesn’t require a shielding gas to protect the weld pool, eliminating the hassle and cost of buying and storing gas containers on the jobsite.

      Not using shielding gas also eliminates the need to set up tents or wind shields to protect the weld from the elements and the need to use specialty nozzles to control gas flow as is common with a gas-shielded flux-cored process. 

      Some training may be required for welders who are used to the stick process. The different ergonomics of the self-shielded flux-cored gun compared to the stick electrode holder require approaching the weld from different angles and using different travel angles and pressure.

      When stick welding, the operator typically begins with the electrode (and therefore his or her body) farther from the weld. As the rod shortens during welding, the welder gets physically closer to the weld, applying pressure to the stick electrode as it melts into the weld pool. In self-shielded flux-cored welding, the welder stays in the same spot, maintaining a consistent distance between the contact tip and the weld pool. The proper contact-tip-to-work distance depends on the application, but at least 1/2 inch is a good rule of thumb.

      Self-shielded flux-cored welding can be prone to slag inclusions if proper technique isn’t followed. Regularly inspect the contact tip to ensure it’s free from spatter and debris buildup, which helps ensure smooth wire feeding. Properly clean the weld between passes.

      Jolson Welding talks about the many benefits of using the Bernard Dura-Flux Self-Shielded Flux-Cored Gun.

      Self-shielded flux-cored gun options

      Welding guns for self-shielded flux-cored applications are available in various configurations. Choosing the right gun can help contractors tailor it to their specific needs and applications. Consider these features:

      Heat shield: One of the most common features on self-shielded flux-cored welding guns is a hand guard or heat shield, which is available in different sizes. In applications that require access to a corner joint, choosing a smaller guard increases maneuverability and provides more access. When welders need to run at a higher voltage and deposit more filler metal into the weld, using a larger guard helps deflect the higher heat.

      Neck lengths and bends: Gun necks are available in varying lengths and bend angles. A slimmer neck provides a better view of the weld pool and improved access to tight areas, for example. A shorter neck typically provides more control compared to a longer neck. Lightweight, rotatable necks can also reduce operator fatigue and improve weld visibility.

      Replaceable or fixed cable liner: Some self-shielded flux-cored gun models are available with either a replaceable cable liner or a fixed cable liner. A replaceable cable liner provides benefits in harsh and demanding environments, since self-shielded flux-cored welding can be hard on equipment and consumables. Replaceable power cable liners provide quick and easy cable maintenance and can extend product life since welders can change out components that experience high levels of wear. In addition, choosing a replaceable cable liner with internal trigger leads means there is no external trigger cord that can catch on surrounding objects. Conversely, fixed cable liners tend to be larger, which can be an issue when welding in corners or tight spaces.

      Dura-Flux MIG Gun with a replaceable liner
      Some flux-cored gun models are available with a replaceable cable liner, which provides quick and easy power cable maintenance. Replaceable cable liners can extend product life thanks to the ability to change out individual components that experience high levels of wear.

      Dual schedule switch: A self-shielded flux-cored gun with an optional dual schedule switch allows for wire speed adjustment while welding. In some guns, this switch is integrated into the handle to keep it protected from spatter. The ability to toggle between weld parameters easily — without having to stop welding and change settings — saves time and improves productivity.

      Proper maintenance, cleaning and technique

      There are ways to extend the life of the gun and consumables. The necessary frequency of gun and consumable maintenance depends on the application and the welding environment.

      Conduct routine checks to ensure front-end consumables are in good shape and all connections are tight. This helps keep heat resistance low and ensures proper electrical conductivity so the gun and consumables last longer. Consider using a rotatable gun neck with a collet-style connection, which makes it easier to drop the neck in and tighten it. Consumables that use compression fittings also provide more efficient energy transfer and less overheating to help extend product life.

      Be sure to keep the contact tip clear of spatter buildup and inspect the tip for signs of wear or keyholing, and also inspect the cable for any damage or nicks.

      While the self-shielded flux-cored process is capable of welding material with dirt, oil or mill scale, remember that better surface preparation delivers better results in any welding application. Properly cleaning the base material will help produce better welds.

      Because flux-cored welding produces a slag and spatter, there is also a need to remove the slag between passes and for post-weld cleaning. Be aware that travel angles beyond 20 or 25 degrees can increase spatter and arc instability. With flux-cored welding, it’s recommended to use a drag technique with a travel angle of 5 to 15 degrees.

      Optimizing self-shielded flux-cored welding

      As more contractors look for ways to increase productivity and efficiency on the jobsite, the use of self-shielded flux-cored welding grows. Choosing a welding wire designed to improve a weld’s chemical composition or deposition rates can provide even more benefits.

      The self-shielded flux-cored process can be a good alternative to stick welding in many outdoor applications that boosts productivity and reduces costs.


        5 Common Failures in Robotic Welding and How to Prevent Them

        5 Common Failures in Robotic Welding and How to Prevent Them

        TOUGH GUN TT4 Reamer - front view
        Avoiding common failures is often a matter of proper weld cell setup and robot maintenance, in addition to following some best practices for consumable installation.

        Is your robotic welding operation costing time and money for problems like burnbacks, premature contact tip wear, loss of tool center point (TCP) or other issues? These common failures in robotic welding can be costly, resulting in downtime and unplanned part replacement.

        Even issues that seem minor, such as the wire sticking to the contact tip and forcing tip replacement, can cost thousands of dollars per day when you consider lost consumables, cell downtime and labor costs for changeover. Beyond the time and money spent on minor issues, there’s also the risk of catastrophic failure that could short out the robot or damage system electronics — potentially costing tens of thousands of dollars.

        Avoiding common failures is often a matter of proper weld cell setup and robot maintenance, in addition to following some best practices for consumable installation. Operator training is also critical in preventing common failures in robotic welding. 

        Failure No. 1: Burnback and contact tip wear

        One of the most common failures in a robotic weld cell is burnback and premature contact tip wear. The top cause of burnback is an improperly trimmed gun liner. When a liner is too short, it won’t seat in the retaining head properly, causing burnback.

        To avoid this problem, follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for proper liner trimming. It’s also helpful to choose a high-quality liner designed for accurate liner trimming and installation.

        Burnback is one cause of premature contact tip wear, but wear can also result from other factors. Using low-quality wire with a lot of cast can be another cause, as it quickly wears out the contact tip compared to using a better-quality, straighter wire. Drive rolls that are too tight can also cause wire cast issues that wear the contact tip faster.

        Improper welding parameters — such as welding too hot or too cold — can also wear contact tips prematurely and force more frequent changeout. Adjust parameters accordingly to minimize this problem. 

        Failure No. 2: Broken cutter blades in the reamer

        The main cause of broken cutter blades in robotic welding is incorrect positioning or too much angle of the robotic MIG gun nozzle as it enters the reamer for cleaning. For example, if the depth of the Z axis is too deep, the torch will go in too far and may cause the reamer blades to break.

        To prevent this, the nozzle should be concentric to the cutting blade. Use an angle finder app on your smartphone or tablet to ensure the positioning is straight up and down on the X and Y positions. Also, be sure the insertion depth on the nozzle goes past the gas holes on the diffuser. Drag marks on the diffuser or contact tip are signs of wear that mean the nozzle is not concentric to the reamer blade. Proper setup and positioning also helps ensure consistent coverage of anti-spatter spray on the nozzle.

        Other Causes for Broken Cutter Blades

        Broken cutter blades can also result from excessive spatter in the nozzle, which can be caused by poor spraying setup, incorrect weld parameters or incorrect torch angle. Spatter sticks to spatter and as the buildup grows, it can break the cutter blade as it tries to enter the nozzle.

        Keep in mind that you may need to ream and spray more frequently depending on the application and the material being welded to avoid some of these issues.

        Reamer cutter blade with twin flute design and new black coating
        The main cause of broken cutter blades in a robotic welding operation is incorrect positioning or too much angle of the nozzle as it enters the reamer for cleaning. To prevent this, be sure the nozzle is perpendicular to the cutting blade.

        Problems with the contact tip, nozzle, reamer and excessive spatter can also result when there is poor grounding in the weld cell. Regularly inspect all cables for damage and be sure the ground cables are securely connected.

        Failure No. 3: Loss of tool center point

        When TCP is lost in a robotic weld cell, one common cause is improperly installed consumables. A cross-threaded consumable will angle the contact tip where it meets the retaining head, causing the tip to bend and disrupting TCP.

        Be sure to tighten consumables to the manufacturer’s torque specifications. The general rule of thumb is one quarter turn past finger tight.

        A worn clutch can also cause loss of TCP. The clutch system helps prevent damage to the robot or gooseneck during tooling collisions. After repeated incidents, the clutch may allow a few degrees of movement in either direction, which throws off TCP.

        Consider using a neck inspection fixture, which tests and adjusts the tolerance of a robotic MIG gun’s neck to the TCP so you can readjust it after an impact or after bending due to routine maintenance. 

        Failure No. 4: Broken discs

        In a robotic weld cell, the disc functions as a buffer between the mount and the robot arm. It’s designed to be sacrificial; if the torch, mount or robot arm collide, the disc will absorb the bulk of the impact. However, the disc can be broken when it’s hit hard enough by the neck or torch mount, so replace it if damaged. Set the robot path correctly to avoid neck collisions.

        Close-up cutaway of the QUICK LOAD Liner AutoLength System
        One of the most common failures in the robotic weld cell is burnback and premature contact tip wear. The top cause of burnback is an improperly trimmed gun liner. The QUICK LOAD® liner AutoLength™ system from Tregaskiss allows for up to 1-inch forgiveness if the liner is cut too short. 

        Overtightening the screws can also break or crack the disc and cause it to fail. Discs have torque specifications from the manufacturer. Use those specifications to prevent overtightening and reduce the risk of cracking. The specification sheet also describes the order in which the screws on the disc should be tightened. 

        Failure No. 5: Incorrect tool path

        Robotic weld cell failures can also be caused by programming errors. If the robot’s path to the tooling is programmed incorrectly, the arm can come into contact with the tooling or the weld cell wall.

        The torch rubbing on the cell wall can create holes in the cable. In addition, if the neck frequently hits the tooling, this can bend the neck or cause the disc to break.

        To prevent these issues, program the robot so the arm is clear of the tooling and doesn’t encounter the tooling or the wall.

        Maintenance is key

        Preventive maintenance is key to keeping a robotic welding system and its components performing optimally — and extending consumable life. Regularly check all cables to make sure they are secure, free of damage and not rubbing anything.

        Establish and follow a schedule for liner changeover. The required frequency of liner changeover depends on what type of filler metal is being used, what material is being welded and shop conditions. A shop that is very dusty means liners will clog faster, for example.

        Consult the manufacturer’s maintenance recommendations and follow a preventive maintenance checklist to ensure all the system’s components and parts remain in good working order. Using high-quality robotic MIG guns and consumables also helps prevent problems that can arise in the weld cell.

        Taking steps to avoid common failures in the robotic weld cell allows your operation to improve productivity, reduce consumable costs and ensure consistent part quality. 

          Anti-Spatter Sprayer: How to See the Best Results

          Anti-Spatter Sprayer: How to See the Best Results

          When using anti-spatter liquid in a robotic weld cell, there are steps you can take to optimize the application of the spray. The addition of an anti-spatter sprayer to a nozzle cleaning station helps ensure delivery of consistent amounts of anti-spatter liquid, leading to longer consumable life, better weld quality and higher productivity. You can also add an anti-spatter multi-feed system to help lower costs, minimize downtime and increase safety. These systems eliminate the need to refill spray reservoirs frequently by feeding up to 10 reamers from a single 5- or 55-gallon drum of anti-spatter liquid.

          TOUGH GUN TT4 Reamer on a TOUGH GUN Multi-Feed System
          Understanding how to apply welding anti-spatter spray is key to delivering a consistent amount of coverage and increasing consumable life.

          Follow these best practices for anti-spatter liquid usage

          Position the robotic MIG Gun and front-end consumables correctly. Aligning these in the right location for the ream cycle and anti-spatter liquid application helps apply the liquid uniformly. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper setup based on the nozzle bore size. If the sprayer is too far away from the nozzle, it will not provide adequate coverage to prevent spatter buildup. If the nozzle and sprayer are too close, too much spray may saturate the nozzle insulator, which can lead to premature failure.

          Spray for about a half-second. If you need to spray longer, it usually means the sprayer is too far away. Never spray the liquid for three or more seconds, as it can harm the consumables, cause residue buildup in the weld cell (and with it slippery surfaces) and may damage power sources by adversely affecting the electrical circuits.

          Use a spray containment unit. This 3- to 4-inch unit fits over the spray head on the anti-spatter liquid sprayer to capture excess anti-spatter liquid. After the spatter has been cleared from the nozzle during the reaming cycle, the nozzle docks on the spray containment unit. An opening at the top of the cylinder allows the anti-spatter liquid to spray onto the nozzle while an O-ring seals the nozzle in place; only the outside edge and inside of the nozzle are sprayed.
          The spray containment unit also collects anti-spatter liquid runoff so it can be easily drained into a container and disposed of in accordance with federal, state and local environmental control regulations. Anti-spatter liquid cannot be reused.

          To care for a spray containment unit, routinely remove any spatter or debris from the bottom and clear the screen or filter inside the unit of contaminants using clean, compressed air.

          Learn more about anti-spatter liquid and available accessories.
          This article is the third in a three-part series focused on the use and benefits of anti-spatter liquid. Read article one, Spatter in Welding: Should You Consider Anti-Spatter Liquid? and article two, How to Select and Use Anti-Spatter Liquid.

            How to Select and Use Anti-Spatter Liquid

            How to Select and Use Anti-Spatter Liquid

            Having the right products for your welding application impacts quality and productivity. Anti-spatter liquid is no exception. When selecting an anti-spatter liquid for a robotic welding application, be certain that it offers the following attributes: 

            New 2021 TOUGH GARD anti-spatter liquid product family
            Look for an anti-spatter liquid that sprays with uniform coverage to protect the nozzle.

            • Uniform coverage to protect the entire nozzle
            • Easy cleanup and no residue
            • Compatibility with the nozzle cleaning station or reamer being used

            A water-soluble compound, like Tregaskiss® TOUGH GARD® anti-spatter liquid, is a popular option. This liquid is non-toxic and eco-friendly, helping companies to improve employee safety and provide a cleaner work environment. Oil-based anti-spatter liquid is also available in the marketplace, but is generally less desirable to use because it is more difficult to clean up if it settles on fixtures or other parts in the weld cell. Oil-based anti-spatter liquid is not always compatible with all nozzle cleaning stations, and it can clog this equipment.

            Safety Tips

            Even though the more popular water-based anti-spatter compound is non-toxic, you should always take care when handling and using it.
            Consider these tips:

            1. Avoid breathing in spray mists, and always wash your hands after encountering the compound. or example, when filling the sprayer or setting up an anti-spatter multi-feed system.
            2. Use a NIOSH-certified (or equivalent) respirator during spraying.
            3. Wear Nitrile or Butyl gloves and wear chemical safety goggles for the best protection.
            4. Utilize local exhaust ventilation near the sprayer.
            5. Store anti-spatter compound containers according to the temperatures recommended by the manufacturer.
            6. Consult the SDS sheet for complete recommendations for proper anti-spatter liquid usage.

            This article is the second in a three-part series focused on the use and benefits of anti-spatter liquid. Read article one, Spatter in Welding: Should You Consider Anti-Spatter Liquid? and article three, Anti-Spatter Sprayer: How to See the Best Results

              Spatter in Welding: Should You Consider Anti-Spatter Liquid?

              Spatter in Welding: Should You Consider Anti-Spatter Liquid?

              Are you losing money and arc-on time for excessive contact tip changeovers? Anti-spatter liquid may be an option to help.

              What is anti-spatter liquid?

              New 2021 TOUGH GARD anti-spatter liquid product family
              Adding anti-spatter liquid reduces downtime and costs for contact tip replacements.

              This compound protects the front-end consumables on your robotic MIG gun from spatter accumulation, reducing downtime for tip replacements and helping to prevent shielding gas flow restrictions that could lead to porosity. This liquid also:

              • Prolongs the life of the nozzle, contact tips and gas diffuser
              • Lowers cost for consumable inventory and management
              • Reduces operating costs by improving weld quality and lowering rework

              Although it resembles water in its consistency, anti-spatter liquid (when applied correctly and in the appropriate volume) will not drip like water. Rather, it creates a barrier between the nozzle and any spatter generated during the welding process. The spatter easily falls off when the nozzle cleaning station or reamer performs the reaming cycle, leaving the nozzle and other front-end consumables clean. Note, you must reapply the compound frequently to help maintain that barrier.

              Does my operation need to use anti-spatter liquid?

              Constant-voltage (CV) applications and those utilizing solid wire and/or the welding of galvanized steel tend to produce high levels of spatter and often benefit the most from the use of anti-spatter liquid. Anti-spatter liquid also benefits high-volume, high-production operations where the goal is to minimize potential weld quality issues, extend consumable life and reduce downtime. Its application can easily be programmed so that it is sprayed onto the consumables after each ream cycle, during routine pauses in production for part changeover.

              Learn about TOUGH GARD® anti-spatter liquid.

              This article is the first in a three-part series focused on the use and benefits of anti-spatter liquid. Read article two, How to Select and Use Anti-Spatter Liquid, and article three, Anti-Spatter Sprayer: How to See the Best Results.

                New HDP Contact Tips Provide Robotic Pulsed MIG Welding Benefits

                New HDP Contact Tips Provide Robotic Pulsed MIG Welding Benefits

                Optimizing the robotic weld cell helps improve productivity, allowing a manufacturing facility to save time and money. It can be especially beneficial in applications that use pulsed gas metal arc welding (GMAW-P), a process that results in rapid wear to the welding gun’s front-end consumables.

                While the choice of contact tip for the GMAW gun may seem like a small factor in the entire operation, consider how much time it takes for an operator to enter the weld cell and change the contact tip — and how many times per day the tip is changed in most robotic welding operations. For example, copper contact tips are changed on average four times per shift. In a three-shift operation averaging 10 minutes per tip change, that equates to spending two hours per day changing contact tips. What else could a welding operator be doing with this time to create value in the manufacturing operation?

                HDP Contact Tip
                TOUGH LOCK® HDP contact tips from Tregaskiss last more than 10 times longer than copper or chrome zirconium tips, allowing users to go from changing contact tips two to four times each shift to only changing the tips once every third shift or longer.

                There are contact tip innovations that help significantly reduce the downtime spent on changeover — time that can be spent on other tasks in the operation, such as increasing production up-time. In addition, when the operator spends less time in the weld cell, it reduces the potential of health and safety incidents and the possibility of weld quality issues through altering weld settings and parameters such as tool center point.

                For these reasons, it’s important to consider the total cost of ownership when selecting the right contact tip for a robotic welding operation.

                Demands of GMAW-P

                As more manufacturing applications use thinner, lighter and more corrosion-resistant materials to meet industry demands, this increases the use of GMAW-P processes, which offer benefits for welding thin-gauge materials. Pulsed waveform technology continues to develop, offering faster travel speeds, reduced spatter levels and high weld quality in many robotic applications.

                However, pulsed processes typically require a higher frequency of contact tip changeover due to the energy of the process. Faster contact tip deterioration is caused by peaks in pulse waveforms where the energy/heat is five times greater than in traditional constant voltage (CV) GMAW.

                Because of this, arc erosion is a common failure for contact tips in GMAW-P. Contact tip failure increases an operation’s costs, due to the increased frequency of downtime related to tip changeover.

                A new contact tip design has resulted in tips with improved resistance to arc erosion that last much longer in pulsed welding.

                HDP contact tip, diffuser and nozzle
                HDP contact tips currently come in .035, .040 and .045 sizes and can be used with standard nozzles and TOUGH LOCK® retaining heads, as well as with air-cooled guns or water-cooled guns.

                Contact tip advancements

                Contact tips made from copper or copper chrome zirconium are commonly used in many welding applications. However, adoption of a GMAW-P process can double contact tip replacement frequency and related downtime when using copper or chrome zirconium tips.

                A new innovative technology on the market today can significantly extend the time between contact tip changeover, thanks to a combination of proprietary materials and tip design. HDP contact tips from Tregaskiss last more than 10 times longer than copper or chrome zirconium tips, allowing operations to go from changing contact tips two to four times each shift to only changing the tips once every third shift or longer.

                HDP contact tips are engineered to resist wear better than other materials and designs previously used for contact tips, providing increased resistance to arc erosion in pulsed welding, as well as spray transfer and CV GMAW. The precise fit between the tip and the wire also results in good arc stability to help produce high-quality welds, and because the degradation of welding current from the power source to the contact tip is reduced, it provides a truer representation of the pulsed waveform program.

                The tips currently come in .035, .040 and .045 sizes and can be used with standard nozzles and TOUGH LOCK® retaining heads as well as with air-cooled guns or water-cooled guns. HDP contact tips can be used with Tregaskiss guns, as well as guns from other MIG welding gun manufacturers.

                Because the tip bore is sized so tightly to the welding wire, it’s best to use the HDP Contact Tip with good-quality welding wire that has a large cast. A high-quality wire typically has a consistent wire diameter, which promotes better feeding and optimized performance.

                Significant productivity gains

                Typically, operations conduct contact tip changeovers on a preventive maintenance schedule to avoid unplanned downtime in the manufacturing process. The necessary frequency of contact tip changeover varies based on many factors including application, wire type and quality, waveform and base material.

                Many robotic welding operations have 100 welding arcs or more and run three shifts per day. In robotic welding operations, copper tips are changed on average four times per shift — or 12 times per day. Chrome zirconium tips are changed about half as often, or six times per day. A scheduled contact tip change typically takes 10 to 15 minutes to complete.

                Compare this to real-world results from several manufacturing operations using HDP contact tips. For example, one manufacturing operation converted to HDP contact tips in a solid wire GMAW-P application. The operation produces 600 parts per shift, and the previous chrome zirconium contact tip required changeover every 60 to 80 parts — or about 10 times per shift. In the company’s trial, one HDP contact tip was still running after 2,500 parts under the same parameters.

                Another manufacturing operation running a standard GMAW process tried HDP contact tips on a line of 18 robots. Where previous contact tip usage for the operation was 216 per day — or about 1,500 tips per week — one HDP contact tip lasted an entire week on each cell, totaling 18 tips per week.

                Resistance to wear on HDP tip, chrome zirconium tip, and copper tip that shows HDP wears significantly less
                The photos above show the difference in wear resistance among contact tips. The left photo of each contact tip type reflects zero minutes of arc-on time. The right photo of each illustrates 120 minutes of arc on time (20 minutes x 6 cycles) using high-speed pulsed waveform with an American Welding Society ER70S3 copper-coated solid wire (0.045-inch diameter). *

                Additional benefits

                In addition to the significant productivity gains the new contact tip design provides, there are other benefits for arc stability, productivity and operator safety.

                Reduced frequency in contact tip changeover not only increases throughput while saving time and money due to downtime, it also reduces the risk of safety incidents, since every time an operator enters the weld cell it increases the risk of injury.

                Also, each time someone touches the welding gun, there is the risk putting it out of alignment. The less frequently an operator must enter the cell, the less chance there is for human error that can disrupt tool center point that reduces part quality.

                Frequently changing the contact tip can cover up other issues within the weld cell. When the contact tip is changed less often, other issues such as wire feeding problems, wire routing or a loose ground can come to the forefront. With standard contact tips, changing the tip out is often the first go-to fix when there is a problem in the weld cell — even if something else is the root cause. With a longer-lasting contact tip that is not changed as frequently, other issues that may not have been noticed before can now be fixed to improve the overall efficiency of the weld cell.

                Return on investment

                It’s important to consider total cost of ownership when evaluating contact tips and other consumables. The upfront cost of a contact tip is just one factor in total overall costs. A longer-lasting contact tip may be more expensive upfront, but it can provide significant payback in time and labor savings and reduced downtime.
                Be sure to look at the big picture in terms of productivity and efficiency improvements for the entire operation.

                In considering a switch in consumables, an operation should also be sure there is time to conduct a trial, which should always be part of changing the type of consumable or contact tip. The numbers will often speak for themselves when vetting the option and analyzing return on investment.

                Improve productivity and efficiency

                An operation may think the welding process is optimized, but that may not be the case if operators must frequently enter the weld cell to change the contact tip. As manufacturing operations look for ways to improve production efficiency and throughput in automated welding, choosing the right contact tip for the gun is one solution.

                A contact tip designed to provide significantly longer tip life saves time and money in necessary changeover and reduces the frequency of people entering the weld cell. New contact tips on the market can last days in GMAW-P applications compared to standard copper tips that may only last a few hours.

                 *Other parameters: 450 ipm wire feed speed, 40-45 ipm travel speed, 90/10 mixed gas, 240-260 average amps on a Tregaskiss robotic MIG gun with a 22-degree neck.

                  Ethernet vs. Standard Reamer: Making the Selection

                  Ethernet vs Standard Reamer: Making the Selection 

                  Uptime is key in any robotic welding system. Not only does it help companies increase productivity, but it also supports a solid return on investment in the equipment. The addition of peripherals, like a nozzle cleaning station or reamer, can help further those goals.

                  A reamer cleans the consumables on a robotic gas metal arc welding (GMAW) gun to prevent spatter buildup that could lead to porosity. This consumable cleaning reduces downtime for changeover, improves weld quality and minimizes costs. There are two main styles to choose from: standard- or Ethernet-based. Both provide the same function of cleaning the nozzle free of spatter, with the Ethernet-based reamer providing additional functionalities that some companies find beneficial to their robotic welding operation.

                  TOUGH GUN Reamer on shop floor
                  Uptime is key in any robotic welding system. The addition of a nozzle cleaning station or reamer can help companies improve productivity.

                  During cleaning, the robot is programmed so that it will dock the nozzle of the GMAW gun against a v-block on top of the reamer, typically during routine pauses in welding cycles. Once the nozzle is in place, a signal is relayed to the reamer to close its clamps. When the clamps hold onto the nozzle, concentric to the cutter blade, another signal is sent to the unit telling the spindle to rise and spin the cutter blade, removing the spatter from the nozzle and gas diffuser.

                  Many companies also employ an anti-spatter sprayer that applies a coating of anti-spatter compound to the front-end consumables after every cleaning cycle. Usually this spray only lasts a half second to avoid saturating the nozzle and wasting the anti-spatter compound.

                  Standard versus Ethernet

                  A standard reamer features inputs and outputs that are plugged into a Program Logic Controller (PLC), including the inputs that control the nozzle clamping, cutter actions and anti-spatter spray process. These are the traditional reamers used by many companies.

                  A standard reamer must be plugged in with a power cord, in addition to having several leads connected to several inputs and outputs, so it may require cord management to minimize clutter.

                  Ethernet reamers, a newer style, feature a single Ethernet cable that serves as a multipurpose input/output and connects to the PLC. Due to their connectivity, they enable robotic welding system operators to set a program that handles complex equations so they can easily duplicate that program to another weld cell.

                  Consider a robotic welding operation featuring 100 weld cells that require 50 reamers total. If there are two robots per cell sharing the same reamer, and the reamer program for all 100 weld cells is virtually identical to the first cell, operators can set the program in the first cell to alternate between the two robots and then essentially “copy and paste” that program into the next 99 cells. For this reason, an Ethernet reamer can offer time savings, especially at the integrator level.

                  With an Ethernet reamer, robotic welding operators can also program a double stroke. If one cleaning cycle wasn’t quite enough to remove spatter from the nozzle, a signal is sent, as the spindle unit and cutter retract, to clean again.

                  TOUGH GUN TT4 Reamer - front view
                  TOUGH GUN TT4 Reamer
                  A standard reamer features inputs and outputs that are plugged into a Program Logic Controller (PLC), including the inputs that control the nozzle clamping, cutter actions and anti-spatter spray process.

                  Ethernet reamers can come with an additional Ethernet port, which can be used to daisy chain to other Ethernet devices. This means an operator does not require an individual Ethernet cord run from the reamer to the PLC, from the robot to the PLC, or from the power source to the PLC. He or she can instead run them in a series, together. This cuts down on the number of wires and cords in the cell, further reducing clutter. They also allow operators to monitor the cycle times carefully and more easily troubleshoot any issues that arise.

                  That said, some older robotic welding operations are not Ethernet-ready because they use standard-based signals, and some facilities simply do not have the infrastructure, resources, capabilities or knowledge necessary to justify the higher investment of an Ethernet reamer.

                  As with the implementation of any robotic welding system, having a champion with a certain skillset who can oversee the implementation of an Ethernet reamer and know how to program it is incredibly helpful, and it can ensure the success of the investment.

                  Regardless of which style of reamer is used, standard- or Ethernet-based, it should always be programmed with the gun docking to the reamer and the height set properly, following the instructions outlined in the owner’s manual. Always dock the nozzle concentric to the cutter, and always supply the reamer with clean, dry air.

                  Robotic reamer accessories

                  Almost all reamers function the same way, but accessories can be added to make them behave differently or optimize them for a welding operation.

                  Wire cutter attachments, for example, cut the wire stick out to a set distance so that the robot can employ wire-touch sensing. Most operations that use a wire cutter on the reamer also use a wire brake on the GMAW gun. The wire brake then holds the wire in place at that set distance so it can’t move — keeping it from extending or retracting as the robot moves. The wire brake works well in combination with robots employing touch sensing, as it keeps the wire in a set position while the robot searches and accurately locates the weld joint.

                  Lubricators are yet another valuable reamer attachment. A lubricator applies oil to the air motor impeller, coating the blades so they will not absorb moisture that might be present in the air. Keeping these blades lubricated helps extend the life of the motor and protect a company’s investment in a reamer.

                  Reamer stands are another accessory that can be useful. They are essentially a pedestal that an operator can mount the reamer to, with a stand bolted into the floor. Options exist in the marketplace that can be customized to a specific height to help streamline the weld cell layout and those that feature quick-change base plates to facilitate reamer change-outs when necessary.

                  Spray containment units are also common reamer attachments designed to keep the welding cell clean of anti-spatter compound. A spray containment unit is a cylinder that mounts on top of the sprayer head to keep excess anti-spatter spray from bleeding into the open environment in the weld cell.

                  Another useful reamer accessory is a nozzle detect, which is a proximity switch that detects whether a nozzle is present or not. Occasionally, when a robot enters its ream cycle, there may not be a nozzle present on the GMAW gun; it may have been bumped off during routine movement of the robot arm or from accidentally hitting a fixture. Nozzle detect will recognize the absence of the nozzle or if a nozzle is pulled off during a cleaning cycle. These occurrences are especially prevalent when an operation is using a slip-on nozzle, which is more likely to disconnect.

                  Power Through Spatter with the NEW TOUGH GUN TT4A and TT4E Reamer Nozzle Cleaning Stations
                  Due to their connectivity, Ethernet reamers enable robotic welding system operators to set a program that handles complex equations so they can easily duplicate that program to another weld cell.

                  For large robotic welding operations, a multi-feed anti-spatter sprayer system may also be useful. This attachment allows up to 10 reamers to be working off one larger container of anti-spatter compound, eliminating the need for an operator to go into the cell and fill up the smaller sprayer reservoirs attached to every reamer. This reduces how often anti-spatter levels must be checked and the associated downtime.

                  Although all these accessories, and the reamer itself, do add to the cost of a robotic welding system, they can also lead to measurable cost savings and profits in the long run. Remember, the goal in robotic welding is repeatability and increased productivity, and any additional equipment that can help achieve these results may be worth the investment.

                  In the end, reamers help clean GMAW gun consumables and prevent porosity. They also reduce downtime and labor for changeover. Since cleaner nozzles and other consumables produce cleaner welds, they can help a robotic welding system produce higher-quality products and be more productive.

                  Extra: Reamer maintenance

                  While reamers and their attachments are often afterthoughts for many operators, maintaining them properly and ensuring parts are replaced promptly can greatly improve a robotic welding operation’s overall efficiency, quality and productivity.

                  All limit switches on a reamer have a life expectancy and must be replaced if they don’t activate any longer, for the reamer to work properly.

                  Cutter blades also need to be replaced, since the edges will become dull over time and will no longer cut as effectively. In some cases, an operator might visually see that one of the flutes on the cutter is broken.

                  Operators must also monitor the reservoirs in anti-spatter sprayers regularly, to ensure they have anti-spatter compound in them.

                  Similarly, if an operation is running a lubricator over an extended period, operators will need to refill the oil reservoir on the lubricator.

                    7 MIG Welding Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

                    7 MIG Welding Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

                    MIG welding offers numerous benefits for productivity without sacrificing quality of the finished weld, but there are many factors that can interfere with successful MIG welding performance.

                    You can improve performance and results in your MIG welding applications — and save money through reduced consumable waste — by taking steps to avoid common mistakes related to the MIG gun and consumables.

                    Consider these common causes of poor performance in MIG welding and learn how to prevent them, for a positive impact on productivity and the bottom line.  

                    Image of live semi-automatic MIG welding application
                    Avoiding common mistakes helps you get the best results in MIG welding. It’s also important to properly maintain the MIG gun and consumables, including the contact tip and liner. 

                    No. 1: Improper liner length

                    Cutting the welding liner the wrong length is a common issue in MIG welding. In many cases, it’s a matter of the liner being cut too short.

                    When the liner is the wrong length, it can cause poor wire feeding, an erratic arc and/or wire chatter. For conventional liners, use a liner gauge as a guide when trimming and installing the liner. Another option is to employ a consumable system designed for error-proof installation that eliminates incorrect liner trimming and requires no measuring. The welding liner loads through the MIG gun neck and is then locked in place at the front and back of the gun while also being concentrically aligned to the contact tip and the power pin. Once locked, the welding operator simply trims the liner flush with the power pin. In addition to accurate trimming, by locking the liner at both ends of the gun, it isn’t able to extend or contract. The result is a smooth wire-feeding path.

                    No. 2: Overheated consumables

                    When a MIG gun’s consumables become overheated, they can be the source of many problems. 

                    Image of AccuLock S Consumables family including contact tip, nozzle, diffuser, liner and power pin
                    Look for consumables with a tapered design, as this helps lock conductive parts together, resulting in less electrical resistance, lower heat and a longer life. 

                    To prevent consumables from overheating, use the proper wire stickout, mind the gun’s duty cycle and employ the right contact-tip-to-work distance. Any steps that keep consumables cooler will help limit the amount of vibration in the gun and reduce issues with burnback.

                    While a wire stickout that is too long is not desirable, keep in mind that too short of a stickout can result in the nozzle and contact tip being too close to the weld pool causing them to overheat. This impacts productivity by causing burnbacks and wire sticks, and can significantly shorten consumable life.

                    Also, look for consumables with a tapered design, as this helps lock conductive parts together, resulting in less electrical resistance, lower heat and a longer life. Some consumable systems feature a contact tip that is buried in the gas diffuser, which helps reduce overheating. This design also allows the shielding gas flowing through the gun to cool the tail of the contact tip for added protection against overheating.

                    No. 3: A bad ground

                    Shortened life of the contact tip and other front-end consumables can also result if a solid ground isn’t in place when MIG welding.

                    Without a solid ground, the arc can become erratic and ultimately cause more heat buildup in the front of the gun. Any problem that creates more heat will also create more resistance and more wear — damaging the contact tip and other front-end consumables and possibly impacting weld quality.

                    To prevent these problems, place the ground cable as close to the workpiece as possible. If allowable, hook the ground cable on the weldment. If that is not feasible, hook it to a bench. But remember: The closer it is to the arc, the better.

                    Image showing three different hand-held BTB MIG guns
                    A key step to prevent a MIG gun from overheating is to choose the right gun for the application. Be mindful of the requirements of the job and select a gun with enough duty cycle and amperage capacity.

                    No. 4: Improper voltage or wire feed speed

                    Setting the wrong voltage or the wrong wire feed speed can also cause an erratic arc.

                    Setting the voltage too high can create too much heat in the handle of the gun, which in turn can eventually wreak havoc on the contact tip.

                    When the wire feed speed is too fast, it can cause the wire to pile up instead of melting properly into the weld pool. This can also cause burnback or birdnesting. A wire feed speed that is too slow doesn’t feed the weld pool, so there is not proper penetration for a quality weld.

                    Always follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for the proper voltage and wire feed speed for the filler metal and thickness of the base material being welded.

                    No. 5: Poor cable management

                    Poor power cable management can lead to performance problems and cable damage.

                    To help prevent damage or other mistakes, don’t pull the welding machine around using the cable. When the gun is hot, everything is more pliable. Yanking or pulling on the cable can stretch the cable or the liner and even cause the conduit to pull away from the gas pin, which can result in shielding gas issues.

                    It’s also important to let the gun cool in a flat position, rather than draping or hanging the cable over a piece of plate or some other object. When a hot gun is draped or hung over something, it can bend the conduit. When the gun and consumables cool, they can be misshapen, leading to marginal shielding gas coverage.

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                    Take care to lay the gun out properly to let it cool. Also, be sure to store the gun and cable properly when they aren’t being used to avoid damage that can occur if a cable is run over by a forklift or other heavy equipment.

                    No. 6: Selecting the wrong gun

                    A key step to prevent a MIG gun from overheating is to choose the right gun for the application. Be mindful of the requirements of the job and select a gun with enough duty cycle and amperage capacity.

                    If the application requires you to weld at 300 amps all day and you choose a 200-amp gun with a 30 or 40 percent duty cycle, this gun will not be up to the task. Exceeding the gun’s duty cycle leads to overheating — and doing this frequently will shorten the life of the gun.

                    In addition to choosing a MIG gun that has a high enough amperage rating and duty cycle rating for the job, you can also take breaks to let the gun and consumables cool to help avoid gun overheating.

                    A change in shielding gas can also help reduce the heat produced during welding. If you’re using an argon shielding gas, the higher the percentage of argon, the less cooling the shielding gas provides. However, keep in mind that many applications use argon shielding gas because it provides a cleaner process with much less spatter for reduced cleanup. So while reducing the argon can help the process run cooler, there are other tradeoffs that can impact productivity. 

                    Image of wire feeder drive rolls
                    Using the wrong type of drive roll or setting improper drive roll tension can be common causes of erratic or poor wire feeding in MIG welding. Consider the size and type of wire being used and match it to the correct drive roll. 

                    No. 7: Drive roll issues

                    Using the wrong type of drive roll or setting improper drive roll tension can also be common mistakes causing of erratic or poor wire feeding in MIG welding. Consider the size and type of wire being used and match it to the correct drive roll. 

                    Because flux-cored wire is softer — due to the tubular design and flux inside — it requires using a knurled drive roll that has teeth that can grab the wire and help push it through. Knurled drive rolls typically should not be used with solid wire, since the teeth can cause shavings to break off of the wire, clogging the liner and creating resistance in wire feeding. Instead, use U-groove or V-groove drive rolls with solid wire.

                    Setting proper drive roll tension is another important step. Without proper tension, erratic feeding can cause burnback or other issues. To set the proper drive roll tension, start by releasing the drive rolls. Then increase the tension while feeding the wire into your gloved hand until the tension is one half-turn past wire slippage. Always keep the gun as straight as possible to avoid kinking in the cable that could lead to poor wire feeding.

                    Proper maintenance is also key

                    Avoiding common mistakes helps you get the best results in MIG welding. It is just as important to properly maintain the MIG gun and consumables, including the contact tip, nozzle and liner.

                    Whenever you change consumables, check that the gas holes in the nozzle are clean and that the seat that holds the contact tip isn’t filled with spatter or debris. A clogged contact tip or nozzle can cause overheating in the gun and handle.

                    Also check frequently that all connections are tight and as concentric as possible. Keeping the gun and cable as straight as possible during welding — and laying them flat to cool — makes for an effective and efficient MIG gun.

                    Follow these tips to minimize downtime, improve productivity and quality, and save money in your MIG welding operation.

                      What MIG Gun Neck is Right for You?

                      What MIG Gun Neck is Right for You? 

                      TGX MIG Gun with a black polymer neck
                      Black polymer armored MIG gun necks contain a thick copper wall with a conductor tube interior, so they don’t radiate or reflect heat as quickly.

                      Optimizing MIG welding gun performance in specific applications can be a matter of choosing different components for the gun. Selecting the right MIG gun neck improves access to the weld joint, increases operator comfort and can reduce costs in the operation. 

                      The biggest factor when choosing a gun neck is to ensure it provides proper access and visibility to the work. In some applications, the weld joint may be difficult to reach, or it may require you to reach down into a groove. A gun neck should provide optimal access to the weld joint — so you can do your best work while maintaining proper ergonomics.

                      In addition to joint accessibility, several other factors play a role in the decision, including the welding process and parameters, the welder’s height and whether the gun has a curved or straight handle. Keep the following considerations in mind to choose the right MIG gun neck for your application. 

                      Feeling the heat

                      Certain welding processes and filler metals generate much greater heat during welding, so take that into account when choosing a gun neck. Pulsed welding processes, the use of metal-cored wires and even certain materials, including stainless steel and aluminum, all generally create more heat during welding. 

                      The welding parameters — including amperage, volts, joint configuration and distance from the welder to the joint — also impact the amount of heat produced and felt by the welder. 

                      In applications with high heat, a standard short gun neck can cause the heat to radiate through the glove and into the welder’s hands. It’s recommended to use a longer gun neck in these situations to keep the heat farther away. Another good rule of thumb to remember is the larger the wire diameter being used, the longer the gun neck should be.

                      Standard necks

                      Standard necks for MIG guns are available in a range of options, with varying angles and material types. 

                      • Aluminum armored necks can withstand abuse and offer outstanding heat dissipation. They are typically available in fixed and rotatable styles, and some models require no tools to rotate. These necks, which come in 30-, 45-, 60- and 80-degree angle options, are a good all-purpose choice for many welding applications.

                      • Black polymer armored necks, available in a 60-degree angle, contain a thick copper wall with a conductor tube interior, so they don’t radiate or reflect heat as quickly. This insulation from the heat makes them a good choice for higher-amperage welding applications. Be aware that black polymer armored necks can become brittle and break since the high temperatures, over time, can break down the exterior tube. 

                      A neck coupler is an accessory that allows a flex neck to be added to the top of an existing standard neck.
                      A neck coupler is an accessory that allows a flex neck to be added to the top of an existing standard neck. This can be used when a longer neck with flexibility is needed to get into hard-to-reach areas. 

                      Choosing between these standard neck options is often a balance of application requirements and welder preference. The same is true for choosing a neck angle. The style of the gun handle, however, is also a determining factor in selecting the right neck angle. When using a curved handle, it’s often more comfortable to use a 60-degree neck than a 45-degree neck. With a straight handle, a 45-degree neck is typically better suited due to natural hand placement. A welder’s height also impacts proper neck angle: A taller welder may want to use a 60-degree neck, while a shorter welder may prefer a 45-degree neck for comfort. 

                      Neck Coupler

                      A neck coupler is an accessory that allows a flex neck to be added to the top of an existing standard neck. This can be used when a longer neck with flexibility is needed to get into hard-to-reach areas or narrow areas. Some flex necks have a bend radius up to 80 degrees. These necks are typically available in 6- and 8-inch lengths for straight and curved handles. Because flex necks can be changed, rotated or bent without tools, this saves time and labor. 

                      Flex necks

                      In applications where a standard neck can’t provide proper access to the weld joint, consider using a flex neck, which can be bent into a desired shape or angle to access hard-to-reach areas. 

                      a flex neck can be bent into a desired shape or angle to access hard-to-reach or narrow areas
                      In applications where a standard neck can’t provide proper access to the weld joint, a flex neck can be bent into a desired shape or angle to access hard-to-reach or narrow areas. 

                      Some flex necks can also be used with an easily removable jump liner for quick changeover. Jump liners replace only the most commonly worn and clogged liner area in the neck bend, to reduce downtime for liner changeover. A jump liner connects the standard liner at the back of the neck and runs through the neck up to the contact tip. 

                      Because a jump liner allows for quick and easy neck change-out, the gun can be easily adapted to fit multiple applications. For example, flex necks and rotatable necks are frequently used in shipbuilding. A welder may be in the ship’s hull and need multiple neck styles to access different weld joints. Instead of bringing several welding guns to the work area, a jump liner allows the welder to quickly unscrew one neck and thread another one on without changing or trimming the liner. An operation can also reap cost savings, since jump liners are less expensive than standard liners and quicker to install.

                      Specialty necks

                      When available standard or flex necks don’t provide proper weld joint access, specialty necks can be created. Multiple lengths and bends are available for limited access positions and improved operator comfort. These necks are specially designed by manufacturers to fit the specifications of the application. Because producing a quality weld hinges on optimal access to the joint, in some cases a custom neck can provide the best accuracy and results. 

                      Final thoughts

                      Many neck options are available for MIG welding guns, including rotatable, flex, various bend angles and lengths, neck couplers and custom necks. Choosing the right style can improve your comfort and maneuverability — especially with hard-to-access welds. When you’re unable to reach your weld joints comfortably using a standard neck, consider adding a specialty or custom neck to your toolkit. 

                        Fume Extraction Gun: Features and Techniques to Improve Performance

                        Fume Extraction Gun: Features and Techniques to Improve Performance

                        Limiting exposure to welding fumes is an increasingly important issue for many welding operations, as it provides a cleaner, more comfortable work environment and helps companies stay compliant with changing regulations.

                        The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and other safety regulatory bodies set the allowable exposure limits for weld fumes and other particulates, including hexavalent chromium, with the aim of protecting employees against potential health hazards in the workplace.

                        Some companies may choose a centralized fume extraction system designed to protect the entire shop area. However, these systems can be a substantial investment and often require installation of new ductwork. In some welding applications, they are not a feasible or efficient fume extraction option.

                        A fume extraction gun is a viable alternative in certain welding applications, including when the welder is in a tight or confined space or must move often to complete welds on a large part. Welding guns with built-in fume extraction are commonly used in heavy industrial welding, such as truck and trailer, rail car and heavy equipment manufacturing.

                        Fume extraction welding guns capture the fumes generated by the welding process right at the source, over and around the weld pool, and they can be tailored to best meet the needs of a specific application or to welder preferences. Consider these key factors to help choose the right type of fume extraction gun for the job — and learn more about available features that can help improve gun flexibility and performance in certain applications.

                        Image of live welding with a Clean Air fume extraction MIG gun
                        A fume extraction gun is a viable alternative for fume control in certain welding applications, including when the welder is in a tight or confined space or must move often to complete welds on a large part.

                        Fume extraction gun options

                        Fume extraction guns are available in a variety of amperages and handle designs. Common amperages for fume extraction guns range from 300 to 600. Keep in mind that amperage is tied to gun weight. The higher the amperage, the more copper required in the power cable and therefore the heavier the gun will be.

                        Due to this additional weight, use the lowest amperage gun possible that will still allow the job to be completed. Along with the added weight, higher-amperage guns typically cost more than lower-amperage guns, so it may be a waste of money to buy more gun than necessary for the application.

                        However, automatically buying the lightest gun available may not provide the amperage or durability needed for the application. Some lighter and more flexible guns aren’t durable enough for heavy industrial applications. Always consider a gun’s duty cycle rating, and keep in mind that it’s a balancing act between gun weight and durability when choosing a fume extraction gun.

                        Features to consider

                        Some fume extraction guns on the market offer features and capabilities that help optimize fume capture while also providing benefits for operator comfort and ergonomics, gun performance and ease in producing quality welds. When choosing and configuring a fume extraction gun, consider these options:

                        Image of Clean Air fume extraction MIG gun with straight handle
                        Tailoring the gun handle and neck to the application and welder preferences can help improve weld pool access and reduce operator fatigue. Most guns are available in curved and straight handle options.

                        Adjustable vacuum chamber:

                        The nozzle on the front of most fume extraction guns is covered by a vacuum chamber. While vacuum chambers on some guns are fixed in place and can’t be moved, other guns have adjustable vacuum chambers that can be moved to several positions. This provides better joint access and visibility and helps welders dial in vacuum flow to eliminate porosity. Adjustable vacuum chambers can also improve ergonomics, since they reduce the need for the welder to position his or her body in uncomfortable positions to get a better view of the weld pool. Adjustable vacuum chambers that snap into position also provide greater durability than friction-fit chambers, which can loosen over time and eventually fall off. This can require replacement of the vacuum chamber. Some gun manufacturers also offer various vacuum chamber options, such as a short vacuum chamber that helps increase visibility and access to the weld pool.

                        Suction control valve:

                        Most fume extraction guns offer a way for welders to control the vacuum suction and optimize gas flow. Look for a gun with a vacuum regulator — often positioned at the front of the handle — that allows welders to balance suction with shielding gas flow to protect against porosity.

                        Flexible, crush- and snag-resistant hose:

                        A vacuum hose designed to be crush- and snag-resistant eliminates the need for a protective hose cover in many applications. This helps reduce overall gun weight and increases flexibility of the hose. However, be aware that some heavy-duty welding applications requiring extremely high heat will always need a leather cover to protect the hose. Note, a gun with a vacuum hose that swivels also improves flexibility, visibility and joint access and helps reduce wrist fatigue.

                        Handle and neck options:

                        Tailoring the gun handle and neck to the application and welder preferences can help improve weld access and reduce operator fatigue. Some brands of guns are available in curved and straight handle options. In higher-amperage applications, welders may want to put the gun cable over their shoulder with the gun trigger on the top. Straight handle guns allow for this because the trigger can be positioned on the top. Some fume extraction guns also have additional neck options in a variety of bend angles, such as 30, 45 and 60 degrees. This provides even more ability to tailor a gun to specific needs and improves ergonomics. When choosing a gun with a straight handle, consider one with a rubber overmold on the handle to help reduce vibration and provide a better grip.

                        Fume extraction gun best practices 

                        As with any fume extraction equipment, proper use and maintenance of fume extraction guns is important to achieve optimal results. Operating a fume extraction gun is similar to using a standard MIG gun, with many of the same recommended best practices. However, there are some techniques that welders can follow to help get the best performance from a fume extraction gun: 

                        1. Degree of angle: Perhaps the most important tip for optimizing performance is using the appropriate degree of angle. With solid wire, use a push technique and an angle of 0 to 15 degrees for optimal fume capture. For flux-cored wire, use a drag technique with a 0 to 15-degree angle. If the parts are set up at a 0 to 30-degree angle and the gun is kept straight (vertical) during welding, the fume will rise, allowing optimal fume extraction by the gun. 
                        2. Pause at the end: At the end of each weld, pausing for 10 to 15 seconds and holding the fume extraction gun in place without depositing weld metal allows the gun to capture residual fumes as the weld bead is cooling.
                        3. Wire type determines stickout: The contact-tip-to-workpiece distance can be longer — about 1/2 inch to 3/4 inch — when welding with flux-cored wire and a fume extraction gun. With solid wire, stickout should be kept to 1/2 inch or less to maximize fume capture. 
                        4. Frequent inspection: Inspecting the front end of the gun is key to optimizing fume extraction. Regularly inspect the nozzle, contact tip and vacuum chamber for signs of spatter buildup, which can block fume extraction and obstruct shielding gas flow. Replace consumables when spatter buildup appears or clean them according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Also, routinely inspect the vacuum hose for damage, cuts or kinks and replace the hose as necessary.
                        5. Proper maintenance: As with any welding equipment, fume extraction guns benefit from preventive maintenance. Using the guns with flux-cored wire requires more frequent maintenance because of the slag and fumes the wire generates. Regular maintenance helps prevent a clog or spatter buildup, which can limit the gun’s fume capture rate.

                        Getting results

                        Some fume extraction guns are designed using a common consumable platform, which means any consumables used on a standard MIG gun or even a robotic MIG gun can also be used on a fume extraction gun. When fume gun replacement parts — nozzles, contact tips and gas diffusers — can be the same as those used on standard MIG guns, this offers greater flexibility and helps reduce a company’s consumables inventory. Additionally, it may be important for some companies to choose a fume extraction gun that is compatible with vacuum systems from most major manufacturers.

                        In the right applications, fume extraction guns can help companies maintain compliance with safety regulations and create a cleaner, more comfortable welding environment for employees. When choosing fume extraction guns for MIG welding, look for features and accessories that will provide additional flexibility, time savings and advantages for welder comfort.

                          Steps for Proper MIG Gun Liner Installation

                          Steps for Proper MIG Gun Liner Installation

                          A MIG gun liner is an important consumable because it can make a significant difference in gun performance and the time and money an operation spends in unplanned downtime. Proper installation of the liner is critical to its ability to guide the wire through the welding cable and up to the contact tip.

                          Improper liner installation — which includes trimming the liner too short or having a liner that is too long — can result in a number of problems, such as birdnesting, wire feeding issues and increased debris in the liner. These issues can result in costly rework and operator downtime for maintenance and repairs, which impacts productivity. Also, wasted wire due to issues like birdnesting can drive up costs for a company.

                          Step-by-step installation

                          The installation process is somewhat similar for all types of MIG gun liners, with some variations. Here are some general steps to consider when installing a new MIG gun liner. 

                          Image of conventional liner family
                          Conventional liners
                          1. Before removing the consumables, make sure the gun is straight and the cable is flattened. This makes it easier to feed the liner all the way through. 
                          2. Trim the wire at the front of the gun to remove the bead of molten wire that often forms after welding.
                          3. Remove all of the front-end consumables so the liner can be fed through the gun.
                          4. For a conventional liner installation, remove the power pin from the feeder at the back of the gun and cut the wire. This allows the wire and the old conventional liner to be removed from the back of the gun.
                          5.  If using a conventional liner, feed the liner through the back of the gun, threading it into the power pin. Reinsert the power pin back into the feeder, and feed a few inches of wire through the back of the power pin.
                            That way, once all of the consumables are back on at the front of the gun, the wire is already in the gun and ready to be pulled through.
                          6. Because the liner is longer than the gun (designed to accommodate varying gun and cable lengths), there will be liner sticking out the front of the gun, so it’s necessary to trim the liner to the correct length. Conventional liners and front-loading liners may come with a plastic liner trim gauge. This can be fed over the top of the liner and pressed up flush against the neck, so the liner can be trimmed to the end of the gauge. If no gauge is provided, please consult your MIG gun manual or manufacturer’s website for the correct trim length.
                          7. Hit the trigger to pull the wire up, and at the same time purge the gun with shielding gas.

                          Installing a front-loading QUICK LOAD Liner 

                          There are some variances in the installation process, depending on the type of liner being used. Follow these steps when installing a front-loading liner.

                          QUICK LOAD Liner Family
                           Front-loading liners

                          1. Unravel the liner (which comes coiled) and stick the brass end — the end that goes into the receiver at the back of the gun — over the wire and through the neck.

                          2. Feed the liner through the front of the gun using short strokes, to avoid kinking the liner. The front-loading liner will click or snap into place once it hits the receiver in the power pin.

                          3. Once that is complete, put the liner gauge on top of the liner and follow the standard installation steps above.

                          Installing a front-loading liner with the spring-loaded module

                          The only difference in this installation process is that there is no receiver in the back of the power pin. The receiver is built into the module pin.

                          QUICK LOAD Autolength cutaway image
                          Front-loading liner with spring-loaded module
                          1. Feed the front-loading liner into the gun using short strokes. The liner will engage with the receiver inside of the module’s power pin. When this happens, the welding operator can feel the liner spring back toward the front of the gun. This is a good sign, because it means the liner is properly engaged.
                          2. Place the liner trim gauge over the front-loading liner until it is flush against the neck.
                          3. Push the liner back into the gun until it bottoms out against the spring-loaded module, then trim the liner flush to the end of the liner trim gauge.
                          4. After trimming, remove the liner trim gauge and release the liner. Note that the liner will spring back and stick out of the neck by approximately 1-3/4 inch, which is normal, as installing the consumables will compress the liner into its proper position.

                          Retrofitting a gun

                          The installation process also varies when retrofitting a gun from a conventional liner to a front-loading liner. Here are a few additional things to remember:

                          1. When retrofitting a gun from a conventional liner to a front-loading liner, the first installation will be from the back of the gun, since a receiver is needed on the back in order to accept the front-loading liner.
                          2. After following the standard steps above and removing the conventional liner and wire from the gun, install the end of the front-loading liner with the O-rings on it into the receiver and unravel the liner.
                          3. Feed the front-loading liner in, just as with a conventional liner, through the back of the gun, and thread the receiver into the power pin.

                          Proper liner installation can help optimize performance

                          The quality of the liner also can impact welding performance, productivity and operator downtime, so it’s important to buy quality liners from a trusted manufacturer. Choosing the correct size of liner for the wire being used is another way to help maximize performance.

                          While liners may seem like a small part of the welding operation, it’s important to be mindful of the impact they can have on quality, performance and costs. Liners perform a vital function in the MIG welding process, and the proper installation and maintenance of liners can help reduce costly rework, operator downtime and wasted wire.

                            Proper Ergonomics Improve Welding Productivity, Protect Welders

                            Proper Ergonomics Improve Welding Productivity, Protect Welders

                            By Jack Kester, senior VP, Marsh Risk Consulting and Andy Monk, product manager, Bernard

                            What is ergonomics? While this term has several definitions, its practical meaning is “to adapt a task and work environment to a human.”

                            Despite what some think, the importance of ergonomics far surpasses comfort. A workplace environment or task that causes a welding operator to repetitively reach, move, grip or twist in an unnatural way — or even stay in a static posture for an extended time without proper rest — can do much more than become a literal pain in the neck. Over time, it can lead to repetitive stress injuries with life-long impacts that may even prevent the welding operator from working.

                            Image that shows person welding in a proper ergonomic setting on the plant floor
                            The use of proven ergonomic principles can dramatically improve the way a welding operator performs a task, thereby reducing the exposure to risk factors and simultaneously increasing productivity.

                            People are built with certain limitations, and when the design of work exceeds normal limitations, excessive wear and tear on the body occurs, accelerating damage that can lead to Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSDs) — injury to the muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, nerves and/or spinal discs.

                            Although many welding operators may start with a dull pain that they dismiss as “just getting conditioned” or “tweaking something that will go away,” it can become more intense — and more expensive — and difficult to treat as time goes on. For example, early treatment for pain may require only ice, heat or some anti-inflammatories, and it might cost $200. However, waiting months or years to address the problem could result in invasive treatment and cost thousands of dollars. That is especially true with wrist and shoulder injuries that require surgery.

                            Ergonomics not only protects welding operators from injuries, but it can also improve the productivity and profitability of a welding operation. Stressful postures and motions tend to be inefficient. Lifting boxes from floor level or reaching outward beyond arm’s length, for example, takes extra time. These posture and motions repeated throughout the year by multiple employees can have a significant impact on earnings for the company.

                            By proactively reducing the risk of injury, companies can improve productivity, while also reducing employee absences and eliminating overtime pay for replacement workers who may not be as efficient or proficient. Eliminating stressful postures and motions can also help reduce employee turnover and training costs for replacing welding operators who quickly decide “this job isn’t for me.”

                            According to the Bureau of Labor statistics, WMSDs account for 29 percent of all lost workday injuries and for about 34 percent of all workers’ compensation claims — and they cost employers $20 billion each year in workers’ compensation.

                            Injuries ranging from mild and short-term to serious and chronic can result when the demands of a task do not naturally align with the capabilities of the welding operator. Most WMSDs develop when repetitive micro-traumas occur to the body over time.

                            WMSDs include strains or sprains, which can result in pain, decreased productivity, disability, medical treatment, financial stress and even a change in the quality of life for those affected. The most common symptoms among welding operators are shoulder pain, range of motion loss and reduced muscle strength. The most common injuries for welding operators include back and shoulder injuries, wrist injuries (such as tendinitis) and various knee joint disorders.

                            Today WMSDs are the fastest-growing disorder in the aging workforce because these illnesses have developed over time, before welding operations were as aware of them as they are today. As a result, there is the potential for an increase in claims costs in the coming 10 years as welding operators seek treatment.

                            The risk factors

                            There are three primary risk factors that increase the likelihood of developing WMSD injuries:

                            Man bending over welding that shows improper welding ergonomics
                            Welding postures that are considered awkward and stressful include kneeling, squatting and torso twisting.

                            1) Highly repetitive tasks that keep an operator in a static posture for too long or use the same motion over and over, such as pulling a MIG gun trigger.

                            2) Tasks that require an operator to apply significant force or pressure, such as pushing, pulling or heavy lifting.

                            3) Poor or awkward postures, such as bent wrists or necks tilted backward.

                            In addition, environmental conditions such as extreme temperatures can also contribute to the development of WMSDs. Personal risk factors that increase the likelihood of incurring WMSDs include physical conditioning, pre-existing health problems, gender, age, work techniques and stressful hobbies.

                            Some common welding postures that are considered awkward and stressful include kneeling, squatting, torso twisting, leaning on a hard surface, holding the arms away from the body or above shoulder height for long periods of time, hunching or bending over, and looking upward too long.

                            In general, the best postures are those that are as close to neutral as possible — a natural position that the body would rest in if it were not doing anything.

                            Ergonomic solutions

                            The use of proven ergonomic principles can dramatically improve the way a welding operator performs a task, thereby reducing the exposure to risk factors and simultaneously increasing productivity. A simple work station adjustment or the use of different tools can make a big difference on an operator’s long-term health and wellbeing, as well as on the company’s bottom line.

                            For example, operators who weld with pistol grip tools, such as a welding gun, and use their finger to apply pressure for an extended length of time can develop “trigger finger.” This problem can be easily resolved by using a welding gun with a locking trigger.

                            Welding operators should position their work between the waist and shoulders, whenever possible, to ensure they are working in a close to a neutral posture. Achieving this posture may mean using work stools or height-adjustable chairs, as well as lifting tables and rotational clamps or other material-positioning equipment. All these solutions can reduce awkward postures and allow employees to work in more neutral positions.

                            Welding guns with rear swivels on the power cable can help reduce the stress of repetitive motions. Different combinations of handle angles, neck angles and neck lengths can also keep an operator’s wrists in a neutral position.
                            Welding guns with rear swivels on the power cable can help reduce the stress of repetitive motions. Different combinations of handle angles, neck angles and neck lengths can also keep an operator’s wrists in a neutral position.

                            Welding guns with rear swivels on the power cable can help reduce the stress of repetitive motions. Different combinations of handle angles, neck angles and neck lengths can also keep an operator’s wrists in a neutral position. In some cases, a welding gun with a rotatable neck can help the welding operator more easily reach a joint, with less strain on the body. Manipulators, lighter-weight welding guns, lighter power cables with low stiffness and cable supporting balancers can also be invaluable.

                            Remember, the working height of a welding operator’s hands should typically be at elbow height or slightly below.

                            The engineering controls described above are effective because they reduce or eliminate risk factors in the workplace. Administrative control measures, such as job rotation and stretching programs, can also be used to reduce the exposure time for welding operators or at least prepare their bodies for the work-related stress.

                            The keys to an effective ergonomics program

                            An effective and sustainable ergonomics process provides a structured approach to reducing risk in the workplace and preventing WMDs over the long-term. It typically includes:

                            1) A formal ergonomics risk assessment process to identify and prioritize high- risk work.

                            2) A structured task analysis process to define the causes of the risk factors, leading to the development of practical engineering controls.

                            3) An action plan developed by management stakeholders to set expectations and allocate resources for ergonomics in the workplace.

                            4) An ergonomics team trained to implement the ergonomics process and empowered to implement the action plan.

                            5) A formal process for developing, implementing and validating ergonomics solutions for high-risk tasks.

                            6) Ergonomics training for management, supervisors, the ergonomics team and other production staff members.

                            Once an ergonomics solution has been implemented, it is important to provide frequent reinforcement to the welding operators to ensure that the solution is utilized effectively. It can be difficult, initially, for a welding operator to get comfortable with new work practices if the job has been done a specific way for years. Therefore, it is important for welding operators to use any new welding gun and implement new best practices for at least 30 days. At that point, they can provide valid feedback on how well the new equipment or practices work for them. After all, gaining the benefits of proper ergonomics is only possible if they are used and the welding operator also sees the results.

                            In the end, the goal is to secure the safety of the welding operator, which requires an active commitment on the part of both the individual and management. Gaining the benefit of ergonomics is a team effort — one that ultimately provides a comfortable work environment, leads to a more productive and profitable welding operation, and provides for the long-term health of the welding operator.

                              Reduce Downtime and Costs with Water-Cooled Robotic MIG Guns

                              Reduce Downtime and Costs with Water-Cooled Robotic MIG Guns

                              For many fabricators, the choice between an air-cooled and water-cooled robotic MIG welding gun is easy. Their heavy-duty applications simply demand a water-cooled model due to the high amperage and duty cycle requirements of the job — an air-cooled gun would overheat and fail prematurely under such conditions.

                              Robotic arm performing a weld
                              The weld joint design and type or thickness of the material can help determine whether to convert to a water-cooled MIG gun. 

                              In the right application, a water-cooled robotic MIG gun can often prove beneficial by minimizing downtime, increasing productivity and reducing consumable costs. These guns typically have higher duty cycles than air-cooled models and operate at higher amperages, which means they can run for longer periods of time.

                              Still, deciding whether an operation would benefit from converting to a water-cooled MIG gun involves a careful analysis of several factors. In addition to considering the amperage requirements and duty cycle, a fabricator should consider the upfront costs, potential return on investment (ROI) and the specific application.

                              For example, some fabricators may choose a water-cooled robotic MIG gun because of the length of their welds — they need a long arc-on time to produce long welds, which generates more heat in the gun. Similarly, critical start-and-stop points along a longer weld joint typically require a gun that can handle extended weld times.

                              The weld joint design and type or thickness of the material can also help determine whether to switch to a water-cooled MIG gun. For instance, heavy plate sections that have been preheated can generate substantial radiant heat that impacts how well a gun cools, and can adversely affect the life of the front-end consumables. In this scenario, a water-cooled gun would be better suited for the job.

                              When deciding whether a water-cooled robotic MIG gun is the best choice for an application, it’s important to keep in mind some maintenance and replacement costs. While a water-cooled gun costs more upfront, there is the possibility to conduct maintenance on each individual component within the cable assembly (e.g. water lines, gas hose, etc). However, an air-cooled cable combines all its components into one common part and if any single component fails, the entire cable needs to be replaced, resulting in higher replacement costs. It is necessary to weigh those factors against each other.

                              Understanding water-cooled robotic MIG guns

                              Welding guns — whether air or water-cooled — must stay cool to protect the power cable, gun body, neck and consumables from heat damage during welding. That heat takes three forms: radiant heat from the arc; resistive heat from the electrical components in the welding circuit; and reflective heat from the welded part, particularly aluminum or preheated parts.

                              Whereas an air-cooled MIG gun relies on the ambient air, shielding gas and arc-off time to dissipate heat, a traditional water-cooled robotic MIG gun circulates a coolant from a radiator unit through cooling hoses inside the power cable and into the gun body and neck. The coolant then returns to the radiator, where the radiator’s baffling system releases the heat absorbed by the coolant. There are also guns available on the market today that cool only the front of the gun, where heat is generated, and still use an air-cooled cable.

                              Air-cooled MIG guns also use much thicker copper cables and inner neck tubes, whereas water-cooled robotic MIG guns use much less copper in the power cables and thinner wall sections in the necks because the coolant carries away the resistive heat before it builds. Water-cooled MIG guns, however, do have multiple inner lines that run through the neck to the front-end consumables, making this portion of the gun heavier than an air-cooled neck.

                              When to switch to a water-cooled robotic MIG gun

                              There are three key indicators that signify a welding operation could benefit from converting to a water-cooled MIG gun:

                              1. Excessive consumable usage
                              2. Excessive gun temperature (overheating)
                              3. Excessive cycle time (high duty cycle)

                              All these factors are interconnected, because if the weld is too hot, excessive consumable usage and gun temperature will automatically result.

                              In general, water-cooled robotic MIG guns are most beneficial for high-amperage applications and are typically available in 350 to 600 amp models.

                              Closely related to amperage is duty cycle, which refers to the amount of time during a 10-minute cycle that the gun can operate at its rated capacity without overheating. Water-cooled robotic MIG guns have varying duty cycle capacities depending on the manufacturer and model. It is important to make the appropriate comparison during the selection process, as some guns may be rated at either 60% or 100% duty cycle, which results in different amperage ratings. 

                              Converting to a water-cooled robotic MIG gun

                              600 amp robotic water-cooled gun photo
                              In general, water-cooled robotic MIG guns are most beneficial for high-amperage applications in the 350- to 600-amp range. 

                              Fabricators who plan to change from an air-cooled to a water-cooled robotic MIG gun should follow these three steps to help ensure a smooth conversion.

                              Match the existing tool center point (TCP) and approach angle. Be sure to have access to all the weld joints with the new water-cooled MIG gun. Make sure that the tooling will work with the new system. The gun may require a special neck or special mounting arm to achieve the desired TCP. Often, converting to a water-cooled gun will require a new mounting arm and insulating disk to maintain or achieve a specific TCP while changing the dimensions of the neck itself to create better access.

                              Ensure overall clearance. A 3-D simulator can help determine whether all parts of the new system will clear all tooling or any other obstructions. In addition to having front-end clearance and access – once installed, it’s important that the gun body and cable bundle fits properly to avoid getting caught on tooling or other equipment. 

                              Get a water cooler. It is necessary to invest in a radiator for the new water-cooled robotic MIG gun. Ensure that the water-cooler has been installed and maintained, as per the manufacturer’s specifications.

                              Maintenance and usage tips

                              Because all the lines and hoses in a water-cooled robotic MIG gun are separate, it is possible to conduct maintenance on individual components if they become damaged. However, due to the lines being internal to the gun, it is difficult to perform preventive maintenance on them. There are options though to care for a water-cooled gun.

                              As with an air-cooled MIG gun, it’s important to inspect a water-cooled robotic MIG gun to ensure that all consumables and connections are tight and working properly. Inspect the water lines frequently to make sure they are tight and have no leaks, and replace the O-rings when necessary (e.g. when cracks or wear appears). Ensure there is a flow switch installed in the return line from the gun and the radiator to indicate any leaks within the system — this component will save time and money in the event of a failure.

                              Using a reamer or nozzle cleaning station adds significant benefits to the preventive maintenance of water-cooled robotic MIG guns. A reamer eliminates the need to manually clean out the front-end consumables and can, with the addition of an automated sprayer, add anti-spatter compound to help further extend consumable life. This feature adds to the overall cost of the equipment, but it helps increase uptime for production since there is less manual intervention. The ROI is typically worth it.

                              It is important to always use the correct coolant — do not fall prey to the notion that it is cheaper to use tap water in a water-cooled gun. Doing so can cause algae growth or mineral build-up and, eventually, lead to costly clogging. Instead, use deionized water or the specially treated coolant solution recommended by the manufacturer. These coolants contain special additives to lubricate internal pumps and O-rings, as well as to prevent algae growth. 

                              Lower operating costs

                              Although converting to a water-cooled robotic MIG gun is often more of a necessity than a choice (because the application demands it), this type of gun has its value. Applying a water-cooled gun to the appropriate application can result in a more efficient system performance and lower overall operating costs.

                              Consider the various costs, specific application needs and joint accessibility to determine whether a water-cooled robotic MIG gun is the best option for the specific robotic application — and don’t hesitate to consult a trusted welding distributor, welding equipment manufacturer or robotic welding system integrator with questions. 

                                Tips to Optimize the Robotic Weld Cell

                                Tips to Optimize the Robotic Weld Cell

                                Image of PA350 MIG welding robotic cell from Miller
                                A pre-engineered robotic welding cell is designed for welding specific parts in a certain size range. These cells offer benefits for easy and fast installation and a much lower first cost, but they do have their limitations regarding the type and size of parts that can be welded.

                                Companies invest in robotic welding systems to improve productivity and gain efficiencies in their operation. But if the weld cell layout is not optimized, it can negatively impact those goals — along with the quality of the completed welds.

                                Poor cell layout can create a bottleneck in the process or result in parts not being properly welded —problems that cost time and money in the long term. 

                                When considering proper layout for a robotic weld cell — whether it’s a pre-engineered cell or a custom cell —gun and consumable selection, robot reach, parts flow in and out of the cell, and weld sequencing are all important.

                                Pre-engineered or custom welding cell?

                                Proper weld cell layout is important for both pre-engineered robotic welding systems or a custom-designed system. Determining which option is right hinges on several factors.

                                A pre-engineered robotic welding cell is designed for welding specific parts in a certain size range. Pre-engineered cells offer benefits for easy and fast installation and a much lower first cost, but they do have their limitations regarding the type and size of parts that can be welded. Part size is often the key determining factor when choosing between the two systems. 

                                If there isn’t a pre-engineered weld cell available to fit the parts — perhaps there is a reach or weight capacity issue — then a custom robotic weld cell is the better option. Custom cells have a higher initial cost and typically a longer lead time for design and installation, but the upside is they can be customized to meet specific needs.

                                When installing either type of robotic weld cell, the system integrator should be involved in planning and testing to ensure cell layout is optimized for the application.

                                Image of TOUGH GUN TA3 Robotic MIG gun
                                Robotic welding systems are available in two styles: through-arm or conventional. Through-arm systems are gaining popularity, and most through-arm systems allow for mounting either type of gun — providing more options and flexibility depending upon the needs of the application. This is an example of a through-arm gun.

                                Choosing the right gun and nozzle 

                                Having the right gun is a critical factor that can help reduce or eliminate the sources of common problems in the weld cell. Gun choice should not be an afterthought in robotic welding applications. The gun must have proper access and be able to maneuver around fixturing in the weld cell. Different choices in gun types and in consumables can help in achieving this.

                                Robotic welding systems are available in two styles: through-arm or conventional. Through-arm systems are gaining popularity, and most through-arm robots allow for mounting either type of gun — providing more options and flexibility depending upon the needs of the application.

                                As the name suggests, the power cable assembly of a through-arm MIG gun runs through the arm of the robot as opposed to over the top of it like in a conventional gun. Because of this design, the through-arm gun style is often more durable, since the power cable is protected. However, because conventional guns can be used on either type of system — a through-arm or a conventional robot — they can sometimes offer greater flexibility, and can be used with more robot makes and models. Consider which type of gun provides the best access to the welds when making the selection.

                                With conventional robotic welding systems especially, proper cable management is important. Once the hardware is installed and the system is set up — but before full production begins — be sure to do a test run or two through the welding sequence to determine how the gun cable moves and if it gets caught on tooling.

                                Another choice in selecting a gun is air-cooled versus water-cooled. This essentially comes down to the required duty cycle. The base material thickness, weld length and wire size all help determine the necessary duty cycle. Water-cooled guns are typically used in manufacturing heavy equipment and in the case of long cycle times and large wire diameters.

                                Once the system type and gun is chosen, it’s all about proper fit and function of the gun. It’s critical to ensure the robot arm can access all the welds — ideally in one position with one neck if possible. If not, different neck sizes, lengths and angles — and even custom necks — as well as different consumables or mounting arms can be used to improve weld access.

                                The choice of nozzle is another important consideration, since it can greatly hinder or improve access to the weld in a robotic cell. If a standard nozzle is not providing the necessary access, consider making a change. Nozzles are available in varying diameters, lengths and tapers to improve joint access.

                                While many companies like to choose a nozzle with the smallest outside diameter available, it may be necessary to size the nozzle up to avoid spatter buildup and loss of shielding gas coverage. A nozzle with a 5/8-inch bore or larger is recommended because it allows the most access. 

                                Image showing weld operator with a teach pendant in a robotic MIG welding cell
                                There are numerous important factors to consider for proper weld cell layout, including robot reach, material flow, and the size and weight capacity of the positioners in the weld cell.

                                Key considerations for proper layout

                                Choosing the right gun is tied closely to proper weld cell layout — since different sizes and lengths of guns and nozzles can improve or hinder reach to the welds. However, there are also many other factors involved in proper weld cell layout. Think of weld cell layout as the footprint of the entire process. Some important issues to keep in mind:

                                • Robot reach: It’s critical to match the size of the part being welded with the reach of the robot. A small robot welding on a very large part won’t work well, and a large robot shouldn’t be welding on a very small part. The robot must have the capability and position to reach all the areas on the part that require welding. If there is a weld on the edge of the reach envelope, for example, it might force a company to sacrifice optimal gun angle or work angle to reach that weld. This can impact weld quality, resulting in potential rework and added costs. It can also lead to premature gun or cable failure, if the robot is constantly trying to access a weld that isn’t accessible in the configuration. Many robotic welding cells mount the robot on a riser for better access to the part. Pay attention to proper riser height to optimize the access of the arm to the welds.
                                • Size and weight capacity: To ensure proper operation, the size and weight capacity of the positioners in the robotic weld cell must factor in not only the weight of the part, but also the weight of the tooling. Undersizing the positioner or weight capacity of the cell is a common mistake. To address this, design the cell for the heaviest part to be welded. Consider the project scope to ensure the welding system always has the capacity to handle the heaviest part in the operation.
                                • Material flow: The flow of material in and out of the weld cell, in addition to the sequencing of the welding process, are key in determining the right layout and positioning. Understand the material flow to the robot, how the material will be presented to the robot, and then how that welded component will be removed from the cell and moved to the next step in the operation. The weld sequence should be planned in advance, to ensure the robot can reach all the welds with the gun configuration being used.
                                • Test it with modeling: Software programs that allow virtual modeling or simulation of the weld cell provide the ability to test the many factors involved in proper robotic weld cell layout — from gun and nozzle choice to material flow. Take the time to simulate the weld cell layout and welding process during development. This helps determine which product and positions are needed — and helps avoid issues that could arise later once the weld cell is installed and running. In modeling, consider the components, gun, positioner, tooling, arm movements and the part itself. All these pieces must fit together and work properly to ensure the desired results. The beauty of offline programming and 3D modeling is that these components and factors can be tested virtually, without wasting materials or consumables. It’s better to prepare and prevent problems — rather than face repairs later.

                                The right choices enhance productivity and quality

                                Weld cell layout and the chosen components that fit inside have a significant impact on productivity, efficiency and quality of the finished welds. Weld cell layout that is not optimized can even harm the tooling or consumables, and result in increased time and money spent on maintenance and repair.

                                Protect the robotic weld cell investment by taking the time at the start of the process to test proper cell layout and equipment — to help ensure the end results and productivity gains being sought.

                                Managing MIG Guns and Consumables for Multiple Applications

                                Managing MIG Guns and Consumables for Multiple Applications

                                Image of  a welder on using a MIG gun
                                Understanding how to pair the best gun and consumable with the job can pay off in workflow and cost savings, and help improve the quality of completed welds.

                                The fabrication and manufacturing industries continue to experience demands for greater productivity, increased efficiencies and higher cost savings — often times with less labor to support the efforts. Every improvement companies can make to achieve these goals is beneficial, from offering more operator training to implementing lean practices. Managing MIG guns and consumables that meet the needs of multiple applications is also an important element in achieving those goals, both from an inventory perspective and as a matter of eliminating unnecessary downtime.

                                There are rarely, if ever, welding operations that require only one type of MIG gun or a single consumable. In fact, it’s not uncommon for many companies to have multiple MIG guns and consumables in use as a routine part of their daily operations, especially within the automotive manufacturing and pressure vessel industries.

                                Automakers, for example, often have handheld and automation weld cells all in the same building. Similarly, welding operators working on different-sized pressure vessels may have a 1,500 gallon tank being welded together with a larger, higher-amperage MIG gun, while welding operators are fabricating a smaller tank nearby with much smaller, lighter-duty MIG gun.

                                Understanding how to pair the best gun and consumable with the job can pay off in workflow and cost savings, and help improve the quality of completed welds. In addition, minimizing the part numbers for MIG guns and consumables can simplify inventory, which ultimately saves time for management and saves storage space. It can save time during the welding process, too.

                                In the shipbuilding industry, for instance, welding operators move around frequently so they do not have the capacity to swap out MIG guns to address multiple applications. Instead, they often standardize on one type of MIG gun and swap out the necks, installed with a jump liner that replaces the front part of the liner system (the rest seats in the power cable). Doing so allows them to keep the same gun for the job, while gaining access to a new joint with the appropriate neck length or configuration.

                                Below are five tips to help streamline welding operations and remain competitive by managing MIG guns and consumables effectively.

                                1. Standardize on a shorter power cable length across weld cells. As a rule of thumb, always use the MIG gun with the shortest power cable possible. A MIG gun with a longer power cable can cause welding operator discomfort since it is heavier, which can cost money and time if he or she has to stop to rest due to fatigue. Additionally, a shorter power cable minimizes the risks of kinks that could cause poor wire feeding and/or an erratic arc, and result in downtime to address birdnesting or rework.

                                Using fewer power cable lengths throughout an operation is possible when there is a difference of two or three feet between each application. For example, it may be possible to standardize on a 15-foot cable for weld cells that need this or a slightly shorter length — without causing issues with kinking of poor wire feeding. Doing so minimizes inventory and storage space requirements. It also takes away the guesswork when it comes to replacing this part of the MIG gun, as it eliminates the risk that a welding operator or maintenance employee will install the wrong length power cable on a MIG gun.

                                TOUGH LOCK consumables family
                                Use one type of contact tip across applications whenever possible. For companies that have both robotic and semi-automatic welding operations, common consumables can be especially helpful to streamline processes and inventory.

                                2. Choose one type of liner, when possible. There are different styles of liners available for MIG guns, including steel liners, D-wound liners or Teflon® liners. Teflon liners are well-suited for wires that are difficult to feed, including stainless steel or aluminum. Standardizing liner types across multiple weld cells, when possible, can reduce downtime for changeover and costs for inventory. Always make sure the liner is properly installed; otherwise, problems like birdnesting and feeding issues can result.

                                3. Use the same contact tips, even across semi-automatic and robotic weld cells. Use one type of contact tip across applications whenever possible. For companies that have both robotic and semi-automatic welding operations, common consumables can be especially helpful to streamline processes and inventory — while also reducing costs. It is not uncommon in robotic welding applications for welding operators to change contact tips long before they become worn, as it helps ensure that there is minimal downtime for problems associated with failures. These contact tips, however, still have life in them and can be used on semi-automatic MIG guns to reduce part numbers and count in inventory, and overall costs.

                                It can also reduce confusion as to which contact tips to use across the welding operations. Too many different types of contact tips, for instance, can be confusing and can lead to a welding operator using the wrong parts on the wrong MIG guns. That misstep can bring production to a slowdown or a halt.

                                Gloved hand holding a Bernard BTB semi-automatic air-cooled MIG gun with C series handle
                                In some instances, it may be possible to use the same amperage of MIG gun for multiple applications to help streamline the welding operation.

                                4. Adapt the power pin. It is not uncommon for companies to have multiple types and brands of power feeders throughout the welding operation. When possible, standardizing the power pin used in every MIG gun, via an adaptor at the feeder, can help streamline the management of various power pins to match these feeders. If a company also has various types or brands of MIG guns, an adapter can also help with gun standardization. The guns can be ordered with the same power pin and plugged into any wire feeder throughout the facility, again streamlining ordering and inventory, and minimizing costs.

                                5. Review MIG gun amperage and select one to streamline. In some instances, it may be possible to use the same amperage of MIG gun for multiple applications. For example, if 200 amp and 300 amp guns are both part of the inventory, using 300 amp guns in each cell can make it easier to manage inventory. It can also help prevent the potential for overheating if a smaller gun is accidentally used in place of a larger, higher-amperage one for a higher duty cycle job.

                                  Maintaining TCP: How Does Your Robotic MIG Gun Neck Factor In?

                                  Maintaining TCP: How Does Your Robotic MIG Gun Neck Factor In?

                                  Image of TOUGH GUN TA3 Robotic MIG gun
                                  The durability of the gun neck — and especially its ability to withstand impacts — is important for maintaining tool center point (TCP).  

                                  A robotic MIG welding system contains many components that impact the quality of the parts it welds, its productivity and the overall operational costs. Among those, the robotic MIG gun neck plays a larger role than may first be apparent. Why? The durability of the gun neck — and especially its ability to withstand impacts — is important for maintaining tool center point (TCP).

                                  The value of TCP

                                  An accurate TCP provides consistency and repeatability from part to part, and is key to the system’s ability to maintain weld positions, especially in assembly line welding where new parts are continually entering the weld cell.

                                  A productive and efficient robotic welding system places welds in the same place every time. To achieve this, the MIG gun neck needs to stay in its expected position. A weak neck that easily bends during routine welding can lead to TCP problems over time, as can rough handling of the neck during consumable changeover.

                                  Issues with TCP can lead to additional spatter or missed welds, causing rework or scrapped parts. These cost time and money in lost productivity and in wasted parts. An inaccurate TCP can also cause the neck to crash into parts or tooling, potentially leading to damage and unplanned downtime.

                                  When selecting a robotic MIG gun neck, look for durable, high quality materials and robust construction. The goal is to have a neck that is strong enough to withstand minor crashes without bending.

                                  In addition, be certain there is a solid connection from the neck to the gun, and from the gun to the mounting arm in a conventional system or to the robot itself in a through-arm system. Any play in the system can negatively impact TCP.

                                  Air-cooled or water-cooled gun?

                                  Image of a neck checking fixture
                                  A neck inspection fixture, which verifies that the gun’s neck is set to the intended TCP, also allows the neck to be readjusted after a collision or if it becomes bent during routine welding.

                                  Neck durability varies, depending on if the application uses an air-cooled or a water-cooled robotic MIG gun.

                                  Some applications require water-cooled guns to protect the gun and the neck in high-temperature continuous welding; however, these guns tend to be less durable in a crash than air-cooled gun necks due to the internal soldering of copper and brass lines for the water passages.

                                  Air-cooled guns typically feature copper tubes covered with insulation and aluminum, making them stronger and more able to resist an impact.

                                  Some manufacturers offer a hybrid air/water-cooled robotic MIG gun, in which the water lines run external to the neck. This type of gun tends to have a stronger neck, like an air-cooled gun, which makes it more tolerant to crashes. However, it is important to ensure the water lines do not hit tooling or parts, which can negatively affect TCP or create leaks.

                                  Getting the best performance

                                  Some key best practices can help protect the neck and provide consistent TCP:

                                  Collision Detection

                                  All robotic welding systems require a form of collision detection to prevent damage to both the robotic MIG gun and the robot arm in the event of an impact. Some robotic systems incorporate robot collision detection software. Systems that do not have built-in collision detection should always be paired with a clutch — an electronic component that attaches to the gun to protect it and the robot from heavy damage in the event of a collision.

                                  Neck Inspection Fixture

                                  Image of TOUGH GUN TT3e Reamer with a TOUGH GUN CA3 MIG gun approaching it
                                  A high-quality reamer securely holds the gun in place during the ream cycle, which reduces the risk of bending the neck and compromising TCP. 

                                  Another key peripheral is a neck inspection fixture, which verifies that the gun’s neck is set to the intended TCP and allows the neck to be readjusted after a collision or if it becomes bent during routine welding. If neck adjustment is needed, the welding operator simply adjusts the neck to meet the proper specifications. This prevents costly rework due to missed weld joints and can reduce downtime to reprogram the robot to meet the welding specifications with a bent neck.

                                  Spare Necks

                                  Having spare necks ready helps gets the system back online quickly. The welding operator need only remove the bent neck in the event of a crash and exchange it with a spare one. The damaged neck can be set aside for inspection later, minimizing interruption to the weld cycle.

                                  Reamer Quality

                                  Choose a high-quality reamer to avoid potential damage to the gun or neck. A reamer, or nozzle cleaning station, removes spatter from the nozzle and clears away the debris that accumulates in the diffuser during welding. A high-quality reamer securely holds the gun in place during the ream cycle, which reduces the risk of bending the neck and compromising TCP.

                                  5. Proper neck and consumable installation and ongoing maintenance are important. Make sure to tighten these components to factory specifications. When changing consumables, remove them with the right tools to avoid bending the gun neck.

                                  Optimize the system to ensure proper TCP

                                  In many cases, a robotic welding system can provide a competitive edge — offering greater productivity, quality and cost savings. Take care to protect the MIG gun neck, and follow best practices for setup and maintenance, to help ensure the system maintains optimal TCP and the operation experiences minimal downtime.  

                                    What to Know About Liners for Robotic Welding Guns

                                    What to Know About Liners for Robotic Welding Guns

                                    Image of three QUICK LOAD Liners with Liner Retainers

                                    The liners used in a robotic gas metal arc welding (GMAW) gun play a significant role in the productivity, cost and quality in your automated welding operation, alongside other consumables such as the nozzle, retaining head (or gas diffuser) and contact tip. Liners run the length of the robotic welding gun and power cable — from the contact tip to the power pin — and act as the conduit through which the wire is fed.

                                    A poorly installed liner can lead to problems with bird-nesting and excessive debris in the liner, which can both cause wire feeding issues that lead to downtime — the enemy of any robotic welding operation.

                                    For this reason, it is imperative to select the right liner for the wire type and diameter being used and to trim it to the proper length.

                                    This article has been published as a web-exclusive on thefabricator.com. To read the entire story, please click here

                                      Choose the Right Power Cable to Reduce Downtime in Robotic Welding Applications

                                      Choose the Right Power Cable to Reduce Downtime in Robotic Welding Applications

                                      In robotic MIG welding applications, minimizing downtime is key. It reduces costs and improves efficiencies to help an operation meet its production goals. Gaining the best performance, in part, depends on the equipment being used. Having the right robotic MIG gun and power cable, for example, is critical. 

                                      There are several factors to consider when determining the right gun style and cable length for the application. Prioritizing these are important, as using the wrong length cable can cause problems ranging from premature cable failure to poor wire feeding.  

                                      Conventional vs. through-arm guns 

                                      Before selecting the power cable length, first consider whether a conventional gun or a through-arm robotic gun is best-suited for the application. Each style has its advantages and limitations.

                                      Image of Tregaskiss TOUGH GUN CA3 robotic MIG gun with 45 degree neck
                                      Conventional guns can often access joints better and/or maneuver around tooling or fixturing that a through-arm gun can’t reach and may also be less expensive.

                                      Through-arm robotic welding systems have become more common, as more equipment manufacturers develop this style compared to conventional robots. Through-arm robotic welding systems, however, allow for the mounting of either a through-arm gun or a conventional one. In some applications, the latter is the better choice. 

                                      When choosing between the two, consider the available space and weld cell layout, joint access and the type of material being welded. 

                                      Conventional guns can often access joints better and/or maneuver around tooling or fixturing that a through-arm gun can’t reach. Conventional guns can also be less expensive and faster to install, although they do require proper cable management. They also require more space, so they aren’t typically the best choice in smaller weld cells. 

                                      Through-arm guns work well in applications where deep access to the part or fixture is necessary. Since they don’t have a mounting arm and take up less space, they also offer advantages in smaller weld cells. The design of the gun —with the power cable assembly running through the arm of the robot —manages excess cable slack, which typically helps them last longer than a conventional power cable.  

                                      TOUGH GUN TA3 Robotic Air Cooled MIG Gun
                                      Through-arm guns work well in applications where deep access to the part or fixture is necessary. 

                                      Choosing the right cable length 

                                      Selecting the proper cable length is critical for both types of guns and numerous factors impact the choice. These include wire feeder, the make and model of the robot, and robot articulation. 

                                      Having the right cable length helps prevent problems with wire feeding that can lead to downtime and unnecessary labor and/or part costs to address the issue. The wrong cable can further increase costs and downtime due to premature cable failure.   

                                      When using a conventional gun, a cable that is too short causes tension, which can result in components prematurely breaking down in the cable assembly. It can also cause the clutch or the robot to overload, which will send a collision detection signal that stops the robot — resulting in unnecessary downtime. A cable that is too long is also a problem, because it can get caught on tooling or result in extra weight that bogs down the mounting arm – potentially overloading the clutch. 

                                      With a through-arm gun, a too-short cable with visible tension also causes problems. Choose a cable that allows some slack for the robot arm to move around. But remember, too much slack can be as problematic as too little slack. 

                                      When choosing proper cable length for a through-arm gun, it’s important to know the robot make and model, the feeder make and model, and the measurements of the system. If any nonstandard equipment or tooling is mounted to the face of the robot, such as a gripper or a camera, this changes the thickness of the plate and therefore impacts the necessary cable length, requiring it to be longer. It is also important to know where the wire feeder is mounted relative to the robot casting to ensure proper cable length.

                                      Much of the same information is needed in choosing the right cable length for a conventional gun: robot make and model, feeder make and model. In addition, consider where the feeder is mounted on the robot or even remotely, as both will affect cable length. 

                                      For both types of guns, the feeder should be adjusted each time the cable is replaced to manage cable slack properly. Failing to properly adjust the wire feeder can result in a cable that is too tight or long for the given application, causing premature failure and potential damage to the robot or wire feeder.

                                      Fixing these issues at the start of the process can help avoid much greater downtime and costs later. 

                                      Key best practices

                                      Following some best practices can help extend power cable life, reduce downtime and improve productivity. Many of the best practices are related to the programming of the automated welding system. 

                                      Image of end of LSR unicable for through arm robotic welding guns with arrows demonstrating rotational movement
                                      When using a through-arm guns, choosing a rotating cable connection can help reduce stress on the system. 

                                      Oftentimes, cables fail because they were set up to fail — the system is asking too much of the cable. Make sure the robot doesn’t articulate too far in either direction, to avoid placing excess stress on the cable, whether it is a conventional or through-arm robotic gun. 

                                      It’s also important to limit the movements of axis five (bending) and axis six (rotation) to help extend cable life. The joints of the robot get smaller as they move from the base to the wrist. Use the larger joints nearer to the base as much as possible and rely on the smaller joints only when necessary to reach the weldment. 

                                      In addition, employ a cable management system when using a conventional gun to ensure there isn’t too much slack in the cable. With too much slack, the cable will rub on anything around it and possibly catch on fixturing. When a robot moves at production speed, it can break the cable or fixture. Cable management systems can take the form of a recoil with an adjustment knob and pulley that allows the maintenance personnel or welding operator to adjust the position (length) and tension of the power cable.   

                                      When using a through-arm gun, choose a rotating power cable connection to reduce the stress on the system. Conventional style unicables typically come with a crimped or solid connection, which limits rotational capabilities and produces torsional stress on the cable. Unlike conventional unicables, a power cable that incorporates a rotating power connection allows for stress-free rotation — and can ensure a longer cable life. 

                                      Reduce downtime with the right choice

                                      Without the right equipment — and proper system programming — downtime can cost significant time and money in robotic welding applications. Take care upfront to choose the right equipment, including the gun and power cable, to save time and money in the long run and keep the operation running smoothly. 

                                        How Can Customizing a MIG Gun Benefit the Welding Operation

                                        How Can Customizing a MIG Gun Benefit the Welding Operation?

                                        Image of a complete line of BTB MIG Guns being held with gloved hands
                                        Customizing a MIG gun for the needs of your specific application can pay off in greater productivity, better welding operator comfort and improved quality in the completed welds.

                                        When choosing the right MIG gun for a semi-automatic welding application, there are many factors to consider — from the material being welded and the filler metal type to the weld cell layout and expected arc-on time. 

                                        Customizing a MIG gun for the specific needs of the application, in addition to choosing the proper consumables, can pay off in greater productivity, better comfort and improved quality in the completed welds. 

                                        There are easy-to-use tools, such as online configurators, available to help users customize a MIG gun. In addition, keep some key factors in mind to help configure a gun that best suits the application needs. 

                                        Why Customize? 

                                        Customizing a MIG gun offers numerous benefits compared to using a standard gun out of the box. Customization can maximize efficiency and productivity in a welding operation, and provide greater comfort. These can improve safety and offer longer arc-on time. Essentially, customization ensures that the welding operator has the exact MIG gun for the application. 

                                        Also, some standard MIG guns may require extra time for assembly right out of the box. Some guns may also require extra components be added before welding can begin. This is not the case with customized MIG guns, which are ready for welding immediately. 

                                        Customizing a MIG gun is like a pre-emptive strike against issues or challenges that otherwise would add time and money to a welding operation. 

                                        Starting Out

                                        To choose or customize the right MIG gun, look at several aspects of the welding operation. Like a decision tree, one answer impacts the next choice. 

                                        First, consider the type and thickness of the base material, since both impact the filler metal selection. Once the material and filler metal are known, these dictate the welding parameters for the application. 

                                        Understanding the welding parameters is important because the gun selected must meet the amperage and voltage requirements. While it’s important to choose a gun with enough amperage for the job, the larger the gun, the heavier it is, which impacts operator comfort. 

                                        Next, think about the expected arc-on time and length of the welds. In addition to impacting the necessary amperage of the gun, these factors also play a role in ergonomics. For example, what length of gun is best for the physical space and length of the welds, and what handle style does the operator prefer? 

                                        These factors come together in building the right gun for the job. 

                                        Consider the welding cell

                                        Image of live welding with a semi-automatic MIG gun
                                        Understanding the welding parameters for an application is important
                                        because the MIG gun selected must meet the amperage and
                                        voltage requirements.

                                        The physical space of the welding cell is also an important factor. If there are fixtures or jigs to work around, consider these when configuring the gun and selecting consumables. 

                                        For example, space limitations in the welding cell can impact cable length — the goal is always to have the shortest cable possible that still meets the needs of the application to avoid unnecessary coiling. The length and bend angle of the gun neck are also factors based on the available workspace and joint access.  Remember, it is easier to make design choices like these up front rather than make changes to the gun after it’s purchased. 

                                        Also consider if the application requires table welding or out-of-position welds. For flat welds at a table, the operator may repeat the same motion over and over. In this case, comfort and repeatability is key and a gun with a shorter cable can likely be used, which helps reduce overall weight. 

                                        For out-of-position welds, the operator may need to move around a lot to complete the welds. Choosing a longer cable is helpful. Be aware, however, that a cable that is too long can be a tripping hazard for the operator or it can curl and tangle, causing wire feeding issues. 

                                        Choosing the cable 

                                        There are two main options when choosing a MIG gun cable: steel mono-coil or industrial-grade cables. Industrial-grade cables are more commonly used. 

                                        Steel mono-coil cables are well-suited for heavy-duty applications in harsh environments. These cables offer more rigidity and support to minimize feeding issues in applications where the wire must travel through a longer cable. Steel mono-coil cables are also used in applications where there is a risk they may get run over by equipment, such as a forklift. 

                                        Cable lengths can vary greatly — from 10 feet to 25 feet or longer. While a longer cable may be necessary in applications that require the operator to move around, again, try to use the shortest cable possible that will get the job done. 

                                        Smaller filler metal wire sizes typically call for a shorter cable, since it’s more difficult to push a smaller wire over a greater length. As wire size increases, the cable length can also increase. 

                                        Neck and handle options

                                        Image of person welding
                                        Consider the challenges or needs of a specific welding application — and the preferences of the welding operator — when selecting the right MIG gun for the job.

                                        Deciding the best gun neck and handle choices for the application depends on several factors. These include operator preference and comfort, as well as weld cell space limitations or fixtures. The type of filler metal being used also plays a role. For example, necks with less bend reduce the chances for bird-nesting or other feeding issues with thicker wires and softer wires. 

                                        Neck options are available with bends ranging from 30 degrees up to 80 degrees for applications where an extreme angle is needed to reach the weld joint. The choice of neck angle is often tied to the style of gun handle being used. 

                                        Gun handles are available in straight or curved options, and the decision typically comes down to operator preference. For a straight-handled gun, a neck with a 60-degree bend is a frequent choice. Pairing a curved-handled gun with a 45-degree neck is another popular combination. 

                                        Gun necks are also available in fixed or rotatable options. A rotatable neck makes it easier for the operator to change angles to access the weld joint without having to change out the gun. Straight handles are often paired with fixed necks, while curved handles are often paired with rotatable necks. Other features, such as trigger locking on the handle, which eliminates the need to hold the trigger during welding and increases comfort, can also be added when choosing the gun neck and handle. 

                                        The bottom line: Choose the option that makes it easiest and most comfortable for the operator to reach the weld joint. 

                                        Matching consumables to the gun 

                                        Some MIG gun configuration tools also allow users to choose specific styles or types of consumables. Consumables must be able to handle the amperage of the application; some higher amperage applications may require heavy-duty consumables. Inventory management may be another factor — selecting the same consumables across multiple weld cells, when possible, is typically more convenient and cost-effective. The three key consumables to consider are contact tips, nozzles and liners. 

                                        • Contact tips: Know the wire size and type when choosing the right size and style of contact tip. Some tips have finer threads, while others are designed for quick installation with a quarter or half-turn. Contact tips that “drop” into the nozzle are good for flat and horizontal welding, but they may not offer as good of performance out of position.  Some styles offer longer life than others, too, so keep that in mind when making the choice. Pulsed MIG welding, for example, is a more aggressive mode of metal transfer that is tougher on consumables. Therefore, choose a more durable contact tip made of chrome zirconium to help extend contact tip life in these applications. 
                                        • Nozzles: Joint access, operating temperatures and arc-on time are important considerations in choosing the right nozzle. Brass nozzles are good for reducing the spatter adhesion in lower amperage applications, but does not perform well at higher temperatures. Therefore, copper nozzles are a better choice for higher amperage applications due to the ductility of the material. 
                                        • Liners: When the weld cell has a wire feeder mounted on a boom, front-loading liners help make changing liners faster, easier and safer.  Specialty liners also exist that can aid feedability of the wire, especially in metal-cored or flux-cored applications. 

                                        Choosing the right MIG gun 

                                        Consider the challenges or needs of a specific welding application — and the preferences of the welding operator — when selecting the right MIG gun for the job. A customized MIG gun can improve operator comfort, extend the longevity of consumables and offer greater productivity and efficiency in the operation.

                                          Signs Your MIG Gun Is Overheating – and How to Prevent It

                                          Signs Your MIG Gun Is Overheating — and How to Prevent It 

                                          An overheated MIG gun can result in downtime, wasted consumables and lower productivity — costing a company more time and money than necessary. 

                                          Image of a person welding while their MIG gun is overheating
                                          Gun overheating can be a symptom of numerous problems, and it can result in catastrophic failure if ignored. Being aware of the common signs and causes of MIG gun overheating can help prevent or quickly remedy the problem.

                                          Gun overheating can be a symptom of numerous problems, and it can result in catastrophic failure if ignored. Being aware of the common signs and causes of MIG gun overheating can help prevent or quickly remedy the problem.

                                          Always know the gun’s amperage and duty cycle rating and the parameters of the welding application. This information tells you how long a specific gun can be used and under what conditions. 

                                          Watch for the signs 

                                          Gun manufacturers test and rate their products to prevent overheating. A gun’s assigned rating reflects the temperatures above which the handle or cable becomes uncomfortably warm — not the point at which the gun risks damage or failure. In addition, specific duty cycles are tested for each gun, such as 100 percent duty cycle with 100 percent carbon dioxide (CO2) or a 60 percent duty cycle with a mixed shielding gas (CO2/Argon). Most manufacturers list the amperage-to-duty-cycle ratios in product literature, so research a gun’s rating before purchasing. 

                                          Signs that may indicate the MIG gun is overheating. 

                                          • Vibration or “chatter” of the gun
                                            This is a common sign of overheating. This vibration in the gun handle often comes with a rapid changing of the arc length, making it appear the wire is vibrating. Decrease the duty cycle to address this issue. Another solution is to extend the wire stickout; even a slightly longer stickout can significantly reduce contact tip temperature — and with it, gun temperature. 
                                          • Heat drawn through the gun to the cable
                                            When you begin welding, the front-end consumables take the heat of the weld puddle. As welding continues, heat transfers into the neck and handle — and eventually into the cable. When heat is noticeable at the back end of the gun and in the cable, it’s likely the gun has exceeded its duty cycle. In some cases, the gun may become so hot that it’s uncomfortable to hold. Welding guns utilizing cone nut style end fittings rather than crimp sleeve style fittings can provide more forgiving tolerances to help prevent overheating. Also, it may help to use heavier-duty front-end consumables that are designed to fend off heat for longer. 
                                          • Liner oxidation or discoloration
                                            This can occur when there is too much heat or there is an issue somewhere else in the gun that is causing resistance and lack of good electrical contact. Resistance creates heat, and if that heat finds its way through the liner it can cause “bluing,” or oxidation at the end of the liner. If you change the liner (spurred by poor performance) and notice discoloration, it’s likely that a symptom of overheating has been overlooked elsewhere in the gun. 
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                                          Common causes of overheating

                                          Exceeding duty cycle

                                          Operating the gun for too long is a main cause of overheating. Know the duty cycle and amperage ratings of the gun, and don’t exceed the duty cycle when possible. When a gun is consistently overheating, you likely need a larger capacity gun for the application. This allows for welding at higher amperages for longer. However, in welding applications that require short bursts of welding — such as thirty 1-inch welds — a larger amperage gun is often not needed and a lighter, more flexible gun may be the right choice. Be aware that shielding gas also plays a role in gun temperature. Mixed gases typically run hotter, while 100 percent CO2 provides more latent cooling to help keep the welding process cooler. 

                                          Not enough stickout

                                          Improper stickout or recess of consumables can be another cause of gun overheating. Adjust stickout to make it slightly longer or change the consumables. A longer stickout — combined with a higher wire feed speed and voltage — helps keep front-end consumables out of the weld puddle and running cooler. Also, when the application calls for a higher duty cycle or amperage and the gun has a flush nozzle, pull the tip back 1/8 to 1/4 inch to better protect it from the heat. Using a slightly longer gun neck can also help absorb more heat from the weld puddle, reducing overheating opportunities. 

                                          Image of welder with gloves, starting to take off a nozzle on a MIG gun
                                          A faulty ground or a ground that is too far from the point of the weld can also cause front-end consumables, including contact tips, to overheat and wear prematurely. To help combat this problem, position the ground as close to the weld puddle as possible.

                                          Improper or faulty ground

                                          A faulty ground or a ground that is too far from the point of the weld can also cause front-end consumables to overheat and wear prematurely. To help combat this problem, position the ground as close to the weld puddle as possible and use as large of a cable as possible to provide a good connection. 

                                          Preventing gun overheating

                                          Knowing the warning signs of gun overheating can help prevent the costly downtime. In applications where the gun is frequently overheating, it may be necessary to switch to heavier-duty consumables or use a larger capacity gun. 

                                          Implementing some best practices can also help reduce the occurrence of MIG gun overheating — to help you maximize productivity and savings.

                                            Reduce Costly Downtime By Preventing Poor Wire Feeding

                                            Reduce Costly Downtime By Preventing Poor Wire Feeding

                                            In welding, poor wire feeding is a common challenge — one that can be extremely costly for an operation and take a toll on productivity. From the downtime for troubleshooting to faster wear and replacement of consumables, wire feeding issues such as bird-nesting, burnback and liner clogging can have a significant impact on the bottom line. 

                                            Image of gloved hands holding three different BTB MIG guns
                                            In welding, poor wire feeding is a common challenge — one that can be extremely costly for an operation and take a toll on productivity.

                                            There are many potential causes of poor or erratic wire feeding. It can stem from the style or size of liner being used, the contact tip size, the gun and whether it’s coiled, or other factors. 

                                            While finding the cause of the problem can be complicated, wire feeding issues often have simple solutions.  To best troubleshoot the problem, start by checking for possible issues in the wire feeder and then work toward the front of the gun to the contact tip. 

                                            Feeder, adapter and other equipment issues

                                            There are numerous issues related to the equipment that can cause erratic wire feeding. 

                                            If the drive rolls don’t move when the gun trigger is pulled, this could be a feeder relay malfunction or a broken relay. Consult the feeder manufacturer in this case. No response when pulling the gun trigger could also stem from a broken control lead. Control leads can be easily tested with a multimeter to see if a new cable is needed. 

                                            In applications where an adapter is used to connect the gun to the feeder, a poor adapter connection could also be the source of wire feeding problems. Check the adapter with a multimeter and replace it if it’s malfunctioning. Multimeters can also be used to check trigger switches, which can cause feeding issues if they are worn, dirty or damaged from the gun being dropped.  

                                            In addition, an improper guide tube installation or an improper wire guide diameter can also cause wire feeding issues. The guide tube is used between the power pin and the drive rolls — typically when there is an adapter being used on the feeder — as a way to keep the wire feeding properly from the drive rolls into the gun. Be sure to use the proper size of guide tube, adjust the guides as close to the drive rolls as possible and eliminate any gaps in the wire path to avoid feeding issues. 

                                            Wire guides are used between the two sets of drive rolls inside the feeder, guiding the wire from one drive roll to the next. These must be properly sized for the wire to avoid problems with wire feeding. 

                                            Drive roll considerations

                                            The use of incorrect drive rolls can be another common source of erratic or poor wire feeding. When it comes to selecting the right drive rolls, there are several best practices to keep in mind for successful wire feeding. 

                                            Drive roll size: Drive roll size should match wire size — a .035-inch wire needs to be paired with .035-inch drive rolls.

                                            Drive roll style: Choosing the right drive roll style depends on the type of wire being used. The types of drive rolls – V-knurled, U-knurled, V-groove and U-groove – offer pros and cons depending on the wire type. A solid wire is typically used with smooth drive rolls, for example, while a U-shaped drive roll in smooth or knurled tends to work better for flux-cored and metal-cored wires. For context, the groove term refers to the geometry of the shape in the drive roll while the knurled term references the finish inside the groove. 

                                            Drive roll tension: Setting the proper drive roll tension is important to ensure pressure on the wire is sufficient to push it through without changing its shape or fracturing it, leading to poor wire feeding.

                                            Worn drive rolls: Inspect drive rolls every time a new spool of wire is put on, and replace them as needed. 

                                            An additional note on drive roll styles: take care when setting the tension on knurled drive rolls with cored wires. While the teeth of the drive rolls can help push the wire through, setting the tension too high can result in the teeth fracturing the thin column of the wire, causing bird-nesting in the feeder. When using knurled drive rolls with solid wires, which is sometimes acceptable, proper tension adjustment is critical. There should be enough tension to push the wire through the cable, but too much tension will cause the knurled teeth to dig into the wire and create shavings that can clog the liner. 

                                            In applications where the welding operator is having trouble feeding cored wire, it can be helpful to use a U-shaped smooth drive roll on top with a U-shaped or V-shaped knurled drive roll on the bottom. The teeth on the bottom drive roll can help push the wire through, while the smooth drive roll on top helps protect the wire shape. 

                                            Check the liner

                                            Liner issues are among the most frequent causes of wire feeding problems. Here are some things to check:   

                                            Liner length: A liner that is cut to an incorrect length can cause wire feeding issues, wire chatter, an erratic arc and/or burnbacks. Using a liner gauge can help when trimming the liner. There are also consumables that lock the liner in place (after loading it through the gun’s neck) at the front and back of the gun while concentrically aligning it to the contact tip and power pin. The liner is then trimmed flush with the power pin at the back of the gun. There is no need to measure. This type of system provides a flawless wire-feeding path.

                                            Liner size: Using the wrong size liner for the wire can also cause feeding issues. It’s recommended to use a liner that is slightly larger than the diameter of the wire to provide more room for the wire to feed through the liner. Because welding wire is coiled, it tends to corkscrew its way through the liner as it unspools. If the liner isn’t large enough, it takes more force to push the wire through. This can result in the wire breaking inside the gun or bird-nesting at the feeder. 

                                            Liner style: Liners are available in plated or non-plated styles, and the right choice depends on the geometry of the wire. A plated liner has a smooth finish, while a non-plated liner has a rough finish. It takes less force to feed wire through a smooth, plated liner. Therefore, it’s recommended to use a plated liner with cored wires since they are softer, and using too much force to push them through the liner could cause them to break.  

                                            Liner buildup: A buildup of debris inside the liner can also lead to poor wire feeding. Debris can be the result of using the wrong type of drive roll, which can cause wire shavings inside the liner, or it can be due to microarcing as the wire corkscrews through the liner. Over time, this microarcing can result in weld deposits inside the liner, which can require more force to push the wire through. Also, dragging the liner across the floor can cause it to pick up dirt and debris. Replace the liner when buildup results in erratic wire feeding. Welding operators can also blow compressed air through the cable to remove dirt and debris each time the liner is changed. 

                                            Image of what contact tips look like after burnback
                                            Welding with worn or dirty contact tips can result in burnback, shown here on a self-shielded flux-cored gun. Inspect contact tips regularly for wear, dirt and debris to help prevent this issue. 

                                            Watch for contact tip wear

                                            Worn or dirty contact tips can cause wire feeding issues.

                                            The hole at the end of the contact tip is large enough for the wire to feed through. With use over time, the contact tip can wear and the hole becomes more oblong in shape. This is called keyholing. In addition, small balls of spatter can sometimes become welded inside the contact tip, causing burnback and poor feeding of the wire.

                                            To minimize the opportunity for keyholing, look for a consumable system that concentrically aligns the liner and contact tip, since this connection creates less mechanical wear on the tip’s interior diameter and reduces the risk of keyholing. Less keyholing also means less chance of an erratic arc, excessive spatter or burnback, which helps lengthen the life of the contact tip. These systems also bury the contact tip further in the gas diffuser to protect it from heat damage. Shielding gas cools the contact tip tail as it flows through the gun, further reducing heat and minimizing contact tip wear.
                                            For all consumable systems, inspect the contact tips regularly and replace as necessary.

                                            Image of BTB MIG gun with C series handle and cable coiled
                                            Choose the proper gun length for the application and
                                            keep the cable as straight as possible during welding to prevent issues with wire feeding. 

                                            Lastly — the gun:
                                            If the other components and consumables have been inspected and adjusted as needed and wire feeding remains a problem, it may be that the wrong length of gun is being used. 

                                            Using a gun with a 25-foot cable when one with a 10-foot cable would suffice often results in bunching of the cable. The minute the operator starts coiling the weld cable during welding, wire feeding troubles can result. 

                                            Choose the proper gun length for the application and keep the cable as straight as possible during welding to help prevent feeding issues. 

                                            Troubleshooting feeding issues

                                            Wire feeding issues can cost time and money in downtime, wear and replacement of consumables and lost productivity. 

                                            While there are many potential causes to poor wire feeding, many of them have simple solutions. It’s often a matter of methodically working through the checklist, starting at one end and working toward the other, to find the issue and implement a solution. 

                                              Conventional Guns on Through-Arm Robotic Welding Systems: When to Make the Choice

                                              Conventional Guns on Through-Arm Robotic Welding Systems: When to Make the Choice

                                              Close up image of a MIG gun with sparks as bright as fireworks
                                              While the choice of gun is sometimes an afterthought, it can significantly impact efficiency, throughput and quality of the finished weld. Choosing the best option for the job up front is key.

                                              Through-arm robotic welding systems are becoming increasingly common in the industry, as more equipment manufacturers turn to the development of this style compared to conventional robots. However, there are some applications where it is better to use a conventional robotic gun for these systems, instead of the through-arm gun typically chosen.

                                              The good news is that most through-arm robotic welding systems allow for mounting either type of gun — providing more options and flexibility depending upon the needs of the application. And while the choice of gun is sometimes an afterthought, it can significantly impact efficiency, throughput and quality of the finished weld. Choosing the best option for the job up front is key. 

                                              Considerations in choosing robotic guns

                                              As the name suggests, the power cable assembly of a through-arm MIG gun runs through the arm of the robot as opposed to over the top of it like in a conventional gun. Because of this design, the through-arm gun style is often more durable, since the power cable is protected.  However, because conventional guns can be used on either type of system — a through-arm robotic system or a conventional robot — they can sometimes offer greater flexibility, and can be used with more robot makes and models. 

                                              There are numerous factors to consider when making the choice between a through-arm gun and a conventional robotic gun for a through-arm robotic welding system:

                                              • Available space and weld cell layout
                                              • Reach and access to weldment
                                              • Type of material being welded 

                                              Benefits of conventional guns

                                              Conventional style guns, which typically offer a longer neck, can provide more flexibility in accessing or reaching certain weldments, whereas through-arm guns may have difficulty reaching around fixturing or tooling in some cases. In applications where a through-arm gun is installed and it doesn’t reach the weldment as needed, a conventional gun can be swapped in for access purposes.

                                              In addition, conventional guns are often a good choice in smaller, more modular weld cells that feature short-armed robots. Through-arm guns may not work as well in these situations because there is not as much cable, and therefore the robot doesn’t have as much slack for articulation.

                                              Also, because of the way the cable lies in a conventional gun, the bend radiuses of the cable are much larger than in through-arm guns. When welding aluminum, for example, wire feeding is a major contributing factor to poor weld quality, and therefore tight bend radiuses are not recommended. This makes conventional guns a good option when robotic welding aluminum.

                                              Uptime and throughput are also critical in robotic welding applications, and maintenance is a key factor that impacts productivity, downtime and costs. Conventional guns often provide easier maintenance because everything is outside of the arm, allowing for parts to be changed or repaired quickly to minimize downtime. Another benefit of conventional guns is they tend to be more cost-effective to purchase and can be installed much faster — saving time and money in setup. 

                                              When to stay with a through-arm gun

                                              Through-arm guns provide their own advantages when matched with a through-arm robotic welding system. In applications that require plunging deeply into a fixture or part, a through-arm gun is often a better choice. Think of a through-arm gun as an extension of the robot arm. This extension allows it to access different areas within the part being welded, depending on the application.

                                              In addition, because the cables are more protected on a through-arm gun they tend to last longer overall, which helps reduce replacement costs. The through-arm design naturally protects the power cable and makes it less prone to snagging on fixturing, rubbing against the robot or wearing out from routine torsion.  

                                              Best practices for performance

                                              With either a conventional gun or a through-arm gun, there are some common best practices that can contribute to success in robotic MIG welding.

                                              First, it is critical that the cable is never under tension when using a through-arm gun, to help prevent premature cable failure. Cable tension is visible on a conventional style gun but not on a through-arm gun since the cable runs through the gun. This makes proper setup especially important with through-arm guns.

                                              In addition, it’s best to use a cable management system when using a conventional gun to ensure there isn’t too much slack in the cable. With too much slack, the cable will rub on anything around it and possibly catch on fixturing. When a robot moves at production speed, it can break the cable or fixture. Keep these factors in mind, along with joint access requirements and weld cell layout, when making the gun choice to help improve throughput and productivity.