Bernard Jump Liners

Cost-effective and gets you back on the job within minutes!

Bernard® jump liners replace only the most commonly worn and clogged liner area to reduce the amount of time a gun is offline and minimize inventory.

These jump liners connect standard MIG gun liners at the base of the neck and run through the most commonly worn area up to the contact tip, allowing for quick and easy neck change-out so the gun can be easily adapted to fit multiple applications.



  • Available in sizes to fit 0.035″ (0.9 mm) to 1/16″ (1.6 mm) wire
Part NumberDescription
QJL-3545Jump Liner for 0.035″ (0.9 mm) – 0.045″ (1.2 mm) wire; 14″ length
QJL-3545-XLJump Liner for 0.035 (0.9 mm) – ).045″ (1.2 mm) wire, 27″ length
QJL-116Jump Liner for 1/16″ (1.6 mm) wire, 14″ length
QJL-116-XLJump Liner for 1/16″ (1.6 mm) wire, 27″ length
QJLH-116Jump Liner for 1/16″ (1.6 mm) heavy duty wire, 14″ length