
Discontinued Liners: L3B-10, L4B-10

Discontinued Liners: L3B-10, L4B-10

Effective February 19, 2025, Rear Load liners L3B-10 and L4B-10 are discontinued. Rear Load liners L3B-15 and L4B-15 directly replace L3B-10 and L4B-10, respectively. These replacements are 15ft (4.57 m) in length.

For questions, please contact Customer Service by phone at 1.855.MIGWELD (644.9353) or email at

New Product — Expanded AccuLock™ S and Tregaskiss® Nozzle Offering

New Product — Expanded AccuLock™ S and Tregaskiss® Nozzle Offering

We have expanded the nozzle options available in our AccuLock™ S and Tregaskiss® product families.

For AccuLock™ S, we have added the following nozzle options:

Part NumberBore SizeTip PositionMaterialQuantity Compatibility
N-A1218C1/2″1/8’’ recessCopper10AccuLock™ S – Large
N-A1214C1/2″1/4’’ recessCopper10AccuLock™ S – Large
N-A3412C*3/4″1/2’’ Copper10AccuLock™ S – Large

* For use with Miller Electric HD (High-Deposition) MIG CV GMAW process.

For Tregaskiss®, we have added the following nozzle option:

Part NumberBore SizeTip PositionMaterialQuantity Compatibility
401-9-75*3/4″1/2″Copper10TOUGH LOCK® Diffuser
404-32 (Robotic)
404-26 (Semi-Automatic)
AccuLock™ R Diffuser
D-ATSH (Slip-On)

* For use with Miller Electric HD (High-Deposition) MIG CV GMAW process.

If you have any questions, please call or email our Customer Service team at 855.MIGWELD (644.9353) or

Update to Liner Descriptions

Update to Liner Descriptions

As part of our on-going simplification efforts, we are renaming our current selection of MIG gun liners. This change is effective now, as you will see our literature and website content being updated to reflect the simplified naming structure.

We offer four different liner types between our semi-automatic and automation MIG guns. The chart below will show the previous liner name/reference as well as the updated liner name/reference.

It’s important to note that the liners themselves are not changing. We will continue to deliver the same premium quality liners, using the same part numbers as we currently do.

Previous Liner Name/ReferenceUpdated Liner Name/Reference
AccuLock S (Dual Lock) LinerFront Load Liner
Conventional LinerRear Load Liner
QUICK LOAD® Pro Liner (Automation Only)E-Z Feed™ Liner
QUICK LOAD®(There is no name change for this product)

If you have any questions, please call or email our Customer Service team at 855.644.9353 (MIGWELD) or

Discontinued: TOUCH LOCK® standard duty gas diffuser, Part Number 404-25

Discontinued: TOUCH LOCK® standard duty gas diffuser, Part Number 404-25

Due to low demand, effective February 7, 2025, Tregaskiss will discontinue TOUGH LOCK standard duty gas diffuser 404-25.

TOUGH LOCK standard duty gas diffuser 404-10-25 directly replaces 404-25.This replacement is compatible with tapered, standard duty contact tips (403-2-XX, where XX represents wire size).

Diffuser 404-10-25 includes a set screw, as shown in the image below. No adjustments will need to be made to the set screw before or after installation. Previously, 404-25 did not have a set screw.

For questions, please contact Customer Service by phone at 1.855.MIGWELD (644.9353) or email at

Discontinued Parts: Jacketed Liners, LJ-XXXX-XX

Discontinued Parts: Jacketed Liners, LJ-XXXX-XX 

Due to low demand, effective January 17, 2025, the following jacketed liners will be discontinued:  

Part Number Description
LJ-3545-15 Jacketed liner, 0.035″ – 0.045″, 15′ 
LJ-3545-25 Jacketed liner, 0.035″ – 0.045″, 25′ 
LJ-5262-12 Jacketed liner, 0.052″ – 1/16″, 12′ 
LJ-5262-15 Jacketed liner, 0.052″ – 1/16″, 15′ 
LJ-5262-25 Jacketed liner, 0.052″ – 1/16″, 25′ 

There is no suggested replacement for these items. These jacketed liners were previously used in semi-automatic applications but are no longer compatible with our current MIG gun offerings.  

For questions, please contact Customer Service by phone at 1.855.MIGWELD (644.9353) or email at

Discontinued Products – AutoLength™ Power Pins

Discontinued Products – AutoLength™ Power Pins

To continue to provide the best products and solutions to our customers, we routinely review, assess and evaluate our product line-up to ensure their features and benefits still hold their value. Accordingly, we have decided to discontinue our AutoLength™ power pins, effective January 10, 2025.

These AutoLength pins are currently used across both semi-automatic and robotic/fixed automatic product lines. Until the effective date, you can still purchase existing configurations as well as replacement AutoLength pins (or until inventory is depleted, whichever occurs first).

The charts below show the standard power pin that replaces each AutoLength option for both welding applications. You may also find instructions here for replacing an AutoLength power pin with a standard power pin.

To configure a new MIG gun part number using a standard power pin, please utilize our online configurators. Your new configuration will also include a full parts list. 

If you have any questions or need assistance configuring a new gun or finding a replacement part number, please contact our Customer Service Team by phone at 1.855.MIGWELD (1.855.644.9353) or via email at

PACKAGING CHANGE – Diffusers 404-XX, D-ATSH-100, D-ATTH-100

PACKAGING CHANGE – Diffusers 404-XX, D-ATSH-100, D-ATTH-100

Effective October 11, 2024, the following 100-pack diffusers will be packaged in boxes instead of bags.

100-pack DiffusersDescription
404-18TOUGH LOCK®, Standard Duty
404-32TOUGH LOCK, HD for Robotic
D-ATSH-100AccuLock™ R Diffuser, Slip-On
D-ATTH-100AccuLock R Diffuser, Thread-On

The box dimensions are 6” x 6” x 4” (15.24cm x 15.24cm x 10.16cm).

Discontinued Parts: QUICK LOAD® Liners, 415-30-XXQ, 415-564-XXQ, 415-332-XXQ

Discontinued Parts: QUICK LOAD® Liners, 415-30-XXQ, 415-564-XXQ, 415-332-XXQ

Due to low demand, effective December 13, 2024, the following QUICK LOAD liners will be discontinued:

  • 415-30-6Q: QUICK LOAD liner, 0.30”, 6’
  • 415-30-15Q: QUICK LOAD liner, 0.30”, 15’
  • 415-564-6Q: QUICK LOAD liner, 1/16”-5/64”, 6’
  • 415-564-15Q: QUICK LOAD liner, 1/16”-5/64”, 15’
  • 415-564-25Q: QUICK LOAD liner, 1/16”-5/64”, 25’
  • 415-332-15Q: QUICK LOAD liner, 3/32”, 15’
  • 415-332-25Q: QUICK LOAD liner, 3/32”, 25’

As a suggested replacement, we offer conventional liners (rear loading).

QUICK LOAD® LinerTregaskiss® Conventional Liner
Bernard® Conventional Liner

These liners are currently used across both semi-automatic and robotic/fixed automatic product lines. On the effective date, these seven QUICK LOAD liners will no longer be available, removed from our product configurators, and guns previously configured with these liners will no longer be available for purchase.

Please use our online configurators and/or consult Customer Service to find a suitable replacement by phone at 1.855.MIGWELD (644.9353) or email at

New Product: Chrome Zirconium AccuLock™ Contact Tips 0.052” and 1/16” – Now Available

New Product: Chrome Zirconium AccuLock™ Contact Tips 0.052” and 1/16” – Now Available

T-A052ZH  0.052″ (1.3 mm); qty. 10
T-A052ZH-1000.052″ (1.3 mm); qty. 100
T-A062ZH      1/16″ (1.6 mm); qty. 10
T-A062ZH-100      1/16″ (1.6 mm); qty. 100

Please contact the Bernard and Tregaskiss Customer Service team by phone at 1.866.MIGWELD (644.9353) or email at with any questions.

Discontinued Part: Liner for 3/64”-1/16” Aluminum wire, 1910038

Discontinued Part: Liner for 3/64”-1/16” Aluminum wire, 1910038

Due to low demand, as of June 12th, 2024, part number 1910038 has been discontinued. This item can be directly replaced with part number 415-116-23.

Please contact the Bernard and Tregaskiss Customer Service team by phone at 1.866.MIGWELD (644.9353) or email at with any questions.

Discontinued Part: Spool & Push-Pull Gun Conversion Kit SGA-4 (Fronius®)

Discontinued Part: Spool & Push-Pull Gun Conversion Kit SGA-4 (Fronius®)

Due to low demand, as of June 3rd, 2024, part number SGA-4 has been discontinued. There is no direct replacement for this part.

Please contact the Bernard and Tregaskiss Customer Service team by phone at 1.866.MIGWELD (644.9353) or email at for any questions.

DISCONTINUED PRODUCT – Quik Tip Contact Tip Part Number T2023 and T2030, Eliptical Contact Tip Part Number 4381A

Due to low demand, as of April 5, 2024, the part numbers in the table below have been discontinued.

Part NumberDescriptionReplacement
T2023Contact tip, Quik Tip series 2, tapered, 5/16″ OD, .023″ (.6 mm)Miller FasTip part number 209024 is a direct replacement. Must be ordered from Miller.
T2030Contact tip, Quik Tip series 2, tapered, 5/16″ OD, .030″ (.8 mm)Miller FasTip part number 209025 is a direct replacement. Must be ordered from Miller.
4381AContact tip, Elliptical, pipeline, .035″ (.9 mm)4623R insulator, DS-A2-C gas diffuser, TT-A035CH contact tip, and NST-A3818B nozzle

Please contact the Bernard and Tregaskiss Customer Service team by phone at 1.866.MIGWELD (644.9353) or email at for any questions.

Discontinued Products — Select Bernard® and Tregaskiss® Consumables

Discontinued Products — Select Bernard® and Tregaskiss® Consumables

To continue delivering sustainable value to our customers, we regularly assess our product offering to ensure focus on customer needs and opportunities to innovate our product portfolio.

Accordingly, due to low demand, as of October 1, 2023, a complete list of discontinued products is now available. Click here to download the complete list in PDF format.



image of welder holding a ALCSK-1 AccuLock Kit for Conventional liner
inside sticker of kit ALCSK-A

The AccuLock™ S for Conventional Liners starter kit (part number: ALCSK-1) is designed to help welders convert from their current BTB MIG gun consumables to AccuLock™ S consumables.

The kit contains everything needed for welders to swap their current nozzle, diffuser and contact tip with AccuLock™ S consumables with the ability to still use their existing conventional liner. Contact your distributor for more information or to order a kit today!

PRODUCT CHANGE — AccuLock™ Conventional Liner Gas Diffusers

PRODUCT CHANGE — AccuLock™ S Conventional Liner Gas Diffusers — O-Ring Color Change to Gray

All AccuLock S conventional liner gas diffusers began shipping with a gray o-ring instead of a black o-ring on February 22, 2023. The gray o-ring makes it easier to tell the difference between an AccuLock S dual-locked liner gas diffuser and an AccuLock S conventional liner gas diffuser.

O Ring change on D-A1-C Diffuser

For reference, the AccuLock gas diffuser part numbers listed below will be assembled with a gray o-ring:

Part NumberDescription
D-A1-CAccuLock S Gas Diffuser, Large Nozzle, Thread-On, Conventional Liner
D-A2-CAccuLock S Gas Diffuser, Large Nozzle, Slip-On, Conventional Liner
DS-A1-CAccuLock S Gas Diffuser, Small Nozzle, Thread-On, Conventional Liner
DS-A2-CAccuLock S Gas Diffuser, Small Nozzle, Slip-On, Conventional Liner

PRODUCT CHANGE — TOUGH LOCK™ Retaining Head O-Ring Color Change

PRODUCT CHANGE — TOUGH LOCK™ Retaining Head O-Ring Color Change

July 7, 2022

The o-ring used in select TOUGH LOCK retaining heads has changed. The functionality and design will remain the same, the only noticeable change is a slight variation in the color, transitioning to a darker shade of green.

All orders shipped after June 27, 2022 will be assembled with the new o-ring.

The following retaining heads are affected by the change:

Part NumberDescription
404-30TOUGH LOCK retaining head for robotic applications; heavy duty, single taper, qty: 100
404-30-25TOUGH LOCK retaining head for robotic applications; heavy duty, single taper, qty: 25
404-31TOUGH LOCK retaining head, HD contact tips, qty: 100
404-31-25TOUGH LOCK retaining head, HD contact tips, qty: 25
404-61-25TOUGH LOCK retaining head, tight radius, qty: 25
O-ring before June 27, 2022

O-ring after June 27, 2022 with slight color change

For complete product information, refer to TOUGH LOCK consumables

PRODUCT UPDATE – AccuLock™ S Power Pin Cap Design Change

PRODUCT UPDATE — AccuLock™ S Power Pin Cap Design Change

The design of all AccuLock S power pin caps will be updated to allow retention of AccuLock S liners with a set screw instead of a rubber washer. This running change impacts Bernard® BTB MIG guns. It takes place on March 17, 2022.

All BTB MIG guns configured with AccuLock S consumables ordered and/or built after March 17, 2022 will include the new set screw. The same can be said for orders placed for replacement AccuLock S power pin caps.

Additional changes include:

  • Each size of AccuLock S power pin cap will have a visible gas sealing washer that is color matched to compatible liner shrink tube
  • Wire size compatibility will change for two AccuLock S liners:
Liner Part NumberFormer Wire Size CompatibilityNew Wire Size Compatibility
LA6A-XX5/64″ (2.0 mm) – 3/32″ (2.4 mm)5/64″ (2.0 mm)
LA7A-XX3/32″ (2.4 mm) – 7/64″ (2.8 mm)3/32″ (2.4 mm)

  • A new Euro power pin option (a two-piece assembly comprised of power pin and pass-through gun connector) will be offered when configuring Bernard BTB MIG guns with AccuLock S Consumables.

New design advantages include easier power pin cap installation, improved liner retention and simpler identification of compatible parts.
Additional considerations:

  • No change to how Bernard BTB MIG guns configured with AccuLock S consumables are ordered
  • T-handle hex wrench included with every Bernard BTB MIG gun configured with AccuLock S consumables
  • Extra set screw included with every Acculock S liner, can also be ordered separately
  • No change to the way Miller® MDX™ gun liners are retained at this time

For more information, refer to the AccuLock S consumables spec sheet. Additional how-to videos can also be found on S.

DISCONTINUED PRODUCTS — Select Elliptical Contact Tips

DISCONTINUED PRODUCTS — Select Elliptical Contact Tips

July 14, 2021

Effective June 30, 2021 (or when inventory is depleted), we will be discontinuing six (6) extremely low volume elliptical contact tips as part of an ongoing effort to improve our product offering and reduce complexity.

Part NumberDescription
1597Contact tip, elliptical, 1500 series, 0.023″ (0.6 mm)
1594Contact tip, elliptical, 1500 series, 7/64″ (2.8 mm)
1595Contact tip, elliptical, 1500 series, 1/8″ (3.2mm)
7494Contact tip, elliptical, 7400 series, 7/64″ (2.8 mm)
243Contact tip, elliptical, Pipeline, 0.030″ – 0.0.35″ (0.8 – 0.9 mm)
244Contact tip, elliptical, Pipeline 0.045″ (1.2 mm)

We recommend replacing these contact tips with compatible components from our complete lineup of AccuLock™ consumables: choose from AccuLock R or AccuLock S consumables, depending on product converted.

Please contact the Bernard and Tregaskiss Customer Service team by phone at 1.866.MIGWELD (644.9353) or email at for assistance making the appropriate replacement.

PRODUCT UPDATES — Select AccuLock™ Contact Tips and Diffusers Now Available in Quantities of 100 and 1000

PRODUCT UPDATES — Select AccuLock™ Contact Tips and Diffusers Now Available in Quantities of 100 and 1000

For the convenience of our customers, the most popular sizes of our copper AccuLock contact tips and AccuLock R diffusers are now available in larger quantity packaging.
Please reference the new part numbers in the chart below:

New 100 Pack Contact Tip Part NumbersNew 1000 Pack Contact Tip Part NumbersNew 100 Pack Diffuser Part Numbers

For more information, refer to the AccuLock S consumables or AccuLock R consumables spec sheets.

PRODUCT UPDATE — Select AccuLock Heavy Duty (HD) Copper Contact Tips Now Available in Packages of 1000

PRODUCT UPDATE — Select AccuLock Heavy Duty (HD) Copper Contact Tips Now Available in Quantities of 1000

AccuLock™ contact tips for 0.030” (0.8 mm) to 0.052” (1.4 mm) wire sizes are now available in packages of 1000.

AccuLock Contact Tip

Affected Part Numbers:

T-A030CH-10000.030″ (0.8 mm)
T-A035CH-10000.035″ (0.9 mm)
T-A039CH-10000.039″ (1.0 mm)
T-A045CH-10000.045″ (1.2 mm)
T-A052CH-10000.052″ (1.4 mm)

AccuLock contact tips increase consumable life, reduce consumable replacement errors, simply consumables replacement and can be used across all semi-automatic, robotic and fixed automatic MIG guns.



October 23, 2020

Effective December 31, 2020, we will be discontinuing a variety of part numbers due to low demand and sales volume. A majority of these items are configured MIG gun part numbers and special products.

Please refer to the appendix for the list of affected part numbers.

PRODUCT UPDATE — Tregaskiss® 600 amp Robotic Water-Cooled MIG Guns Now Available With AccuLock™ R Consumables

PRODUCT UPDATE Tregaskiss® 600 amp Robotic Water-Cooled MIG Guns Now Available With AccuLock™ R Consumables

600 amp robotic water cooled MIG gun installed on robot

AccuLock R consumables family including contact tips, nozzle and slip-on diffuser

September 23, 2020

We are proud to announce new AccuLock R consumables are now available for Tregaskiss 600 amp robotic water-cooled MIG guns. Convert your existing gun from TOUGH LOCK® to AccuLock R consumables with no impact to Tool Center Point (TCP), or configure your new Tregaskiss 600 amp robotic water-cooled MIG gun with AccuLock R consumables today!    

The 600 amp robotic water-cooled MIG gun is ready to take on your most demanding welding applications. Its rugged design is tough and dependable enough to maximize productivity when welding thick plate or running prolonged duty cycles.

AccuLock R consumables are designed for increased tip life, and virtually eliminate contact tip cross-threading issues to help reduce both your planned and unplanned downtime.

Spec Sheet: English

PACKAGING CHANGE — Formatting Changes to Owner’s Manuals


Formatting Changes to Owner’s Manuals

August 18, 2020

Customers may notice that some Tregaskiss® and Bernard® MIG welding product owner’s manuals look different than previous versions. This is because we recently refreshed the design and format of these product manuals, but their contents remain the same. No changes to the important installation, maintenance, troubleshooting, parts lists and other information and instructions have been made.

Bernard Owner’s Manuals

Thumbnail of Owner’s Manual | OM-BTB Bernard BTB MIG Guns
Old Format
Thumbnail of the new Bernard BTB Semi-Automatic MIG Guns Owner's Manual
New Format

Tregaskiss Owner’s Manuals

Tregaskiss TOUGH GUN TA3 Robotic Air-Cooled MIG Gun Owner's Manual Cover - OLD
Old Format
Thumbnail of new cover for TOUGH GUN TA3 Robotic Air-Cooled MIG Gun Owner's Manual
New Format

The most current version of these newly formatted owner’s manuals, along with other product manuals and spec sheets, are available for download from our website from the respective product pages as well as the Spec Sheets and Owner’s Manuals page.

Printed inventory will be replaced as a running change.

NEW PRODUCT – Expanded AccuLock™ S Power Pin Offering

NEW PRODUCT – Expanded AccuLock™ S Power Pin Offering

August 11, 2020

We are pleased to announce that the AccuLock S consumables system has been expanded to include new Lincoln®, Tweco® #4 and Tweco® #5 AccuLock S power pins. These three new power pins are also configurable options in our online BTB MIG gun configurator.

AccuLock S Power Pin with cap, Lincoln®
AccuLock S Power Pin with cap, Tweco® 4
Tweco® #4
AccuLock S power pin cap for Tweco #5
Tweco® #5

Part Numbers

Feeder ManufacturerAccuLock S Power PinAccuLock S Power Pin CapAccuLock S Power Pin CapAccuLock S Power Pin Cap
Tweco® #42200150220018322001842200209
Tweco® #52200157220018622001872200208

The AccuLock S consumables system is designed to address liner trim length errors and erratic wire feeding. The AccuLock S liner is locked and concentrically aligned to both the contact tip and the power pin without the use of fasteners, which provides a flawless wire-feed path that guarantees smooth, uninterrupted delivery of the wire to the weld puddle. Plus, the liner replacement process has been error-proofed so you can trim your liner accurately and easily every time, with no measuring.

Important Note:
The AccuLock S consumables system requires all AccuLock components: contact tip, diffuser, nozzle, liner, neck insulator, power pin and power pin cap.

Reduce troubleshooting, production downtime and rework with AccuLock S Consumables.