Best Practices for Robotic Welding Supervisors
With careful planning and attention to detail, companies that invest in a robotic welding system can gain advantages, such as:
• Increased productivity
• High weld quality
• Cost saving
• Parts consistency
The welding supervisor managing the robotic welding cell plays a key role in achieving these results — and with some best practices in mind, can help ensure long-term success. There are some basics that provide a good starting point.
Understand the robotic welding system
To maximize uptime in a robotic welding system, welding supervisors need to look beyond the administrative and operational duties often involved with this position and consider the actual components in the system. Maintenance personnel can often help.
It’s important for welding supervisors to understand how to quickly troubleshoot issues and how to adjust the weld programs, as needed.
Having a solid understanding of the functions of the robotic welding gun, welding consumables, power cables, and their impact on quality and productivity is also important. It makes it easier to identify problems and provide the best solution.
Establish documentation and maintenance
Keeping an accurate, detailed log of all activities in a robotic welding cell can help welding supervisors maintain control over changes that could impact performance of the robotic welding system. Information to document includes:
• The names of all employees who enter the weld cell, when they entered and why
• Parts that have been cleaned
• Consumable changes
• Drive roll tension adjustments
• Installation of a new welding wire drum
This documentation provides insight into changes in the robotic weld cell, making it easier for maintenance staff to troubleshoot any issues. It can also help the welding supervisor and maintenance personnel determine the appropriate frequency for a preventive maintenance schedule, which helps reduce unexpected downtime.